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Incorporating Multistep Prediction and Value into DreamerV2


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Incorporating Multistep Prediction and Value into DreamerV2

This is a project for CSC413: Neural Networks and Deep Learning at the University of Toronto. We investigate different methods to incorporate value into the DreamerV2 model, which performed well on long-term reward environments in RL. This repository is forked from the implementation of the DreamerV2 agent in TensorFlow 2, whose code can be found here.


Our project paper highlighting the details of this work can be downloaded here [PDF Upload Link]. Our main contributions (modifications) to the existing architecture are the following:
Contribution 1- Value-Aware Dreamer: We strived to train world models that are informed by the value

  • We encode projected value into a hidden state during training by exploiting the connected computation graphs between the World Model and Actor-Critic Module.
  • In considering the literature on the value based reinforcement learning framework, we integrate a theoretically supported value-aware world model learning method, iterVAML, into the Dreamer architecture (Iterative Value-Aware Model Learning, Farahmand A, 2018)

Contribution 2- Multistep Prediction: We hypothesized that representations which embody information about the future are more apt for future planning

  • We work to integrate multi step awareness into the hidden states by encoding training individual hidden states to be reconstructable into several observations into the future.

Reproducing Results


Perhaps the easiest way to install all necessary packages would be to build a conda/virtualenv environment from our yaml/txt file, which was used on our VMs to run experiments.


conda env create -f dreamerenv.yml	# create & install
conda activate dreamerenv			      # activate


python3 -m venv myenv				      # create
source myenv/bin/activate			    # activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt	# install

Note that our virtual environment(s) are entirely based on the manual installation instructions from the original repo so feel free to follow those. We just found it to be a difficult process and these env files made the process simple for setting up on VMs.


Train (from valuedream/ directory). The default log directory is valuedream/logs/

python3  dreamerv2/  --logdir  /logdir/1

As per our ablation study (isolating different components) you can add any combination of the following three flags. Note however that the itervaml flag will force wm_backpropvalue to be true as it is required. --itervaml True --wm_backpropvalue True --multistep True

You can monitor results with

tensorboard --logdir logdir


You can plot the results using the following script. Modify the STATS_DIR and METHODS list in to decide which results you want displayed after training.

python3 plotting/

Some Results

Returns over time

Scores over time

Spectrum of achievements at 1M steps


Incorporating Multistep Prediction and Value into DreamerV2








No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4

