Extremely simple binary Marshaler/Unmarshaler.
Due to the nature of the format, it supports streaming very well as long as both machines support the same endianness.
val := SomeStruct{.........}
enc := binny.NewEncoder(w)
if err := enc.Encode(&val); err != nil {
// handle err
enc.Flush() // Flush is needed since we use `bufio.Writer` internally.
// or
data, err := binny.Marshal(val)
var val SomeStruct
dec := binny.NewDecoder(r)
if err := dec.Decode(&val); err != nil {
// handle err
// or
err := binny.Unmarshal(bytes, &val)
- Allow generic decoding, (aka
var v interface{}; Unmarshal(b, &v)
), like JSON. Optimize Marshal/Unmarshal and use a pool.- More tests, specifically for decoding.
- Make this readme actually readable by humans.
- Clean up the tests.
- Drop unsafe operations with numbers once 1.7 gets released.
type | size (bytes) |
complex128 | 16 |
int, uint | 1-8 |
float32 | 4 |
float64, complex64 | 8 |
bool, struct{} | 1 |
varint, varuint | 1-10 |
entry = [field-type][value]
switch(field-type) {
case string, []byte, [...]byte:
value = [len(v)][bytes-of-v]
case map:
value = [len(v)][entry(key0)][entry(v0)]...[entry(keyN)][entry(vN)][EOV]
case slice:
value = [len(v)][entry(idx0)]...[entry(idxN)]EOV
case struct:
// fields with default value / nil are omited,
// keep that in mind if you marshal a struct and unmarshal it to a map
value = [stringEntry(field0Name)][entry(field0Value)]...[stringEntry(fieldNameN)][entry(fieldValueN)][EOV]
case int*, uint*:
field-type = [smallest type to fit the value]
value = [the value in machine-dependent-format, most likely will change to LE at one point]