2.12/2.120 Intro to Robotics
Spring 20241
Table of Contents
In this lab, you will experiment with machine learning techniques on your own. Please submit a PDF of the screenshots and answers on Canvas by April 14 11:59pm. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the staff on Piazza.
To install Scikit-Learn, enter pip3 install scikit-learn
in your terminal.
To install Tensorflow, enter pip3 install tensorflow
in your terminal.
As you may recall from lecture, SVMs is a suprevised learning method that can be used to separate data based on features. A support vector is a vector that essentially draws the boundaries between these classes-based training using known, labeled data points.
First, open svm/p1abc.py
. At the top you will notice three boolean variables, p1a
, p1b
, p1c
. For now, please set p1b
and p1c
to False
. Run p1abc.py
. You should see a figure pop up with a bunch of red data and a bunch of blue data in distinct groups. This is the known and classified data that we will use to train our first SVM.
Now, set both p1a
and p1b
to be True
. This is where we actually train our data.
Within the p1b
if statement starting line 44
, you will see the following:
clf = svm.LinearSCV() # creates a Linear SCV class
clf.fit (data, val) # fits the data with and their labels (val)
# using a SVM with linear kernel
the first command makes clf
an instance of the LinearSCV
class and the second command uses the fit method to generate a support vector that separates the (x,y)
data points based on known their value/classification. In this case, if you see in svm/data_a.csv
the red points in the bottom left corner are classified as a 0
and the blue points are classified as a 1
After the data has been fitted, the SVM is used to predict the classification of two additional test points, plotted with + signs. You should see that they both appear blue, meaning the SVM classified those data parts as most likely belonging to the 1
Now, set p1a
, p1b
and, p1c
to True
at the top and run p1abc.py
. You should see mostly the same plot should appear but now there is a black line running through the middle of the graph. This black line is the decision boundary determined by the SVM!
❓ QUESTION 1 ❓ |
What do you think might happen if a data point were to fall exactly on the decision boundary? |
Now, open svn/p1def.py
. At the top you will notice three boolean variables, p1d
, p1e
, p1f
. For now, please set p1e
and p1f
to False
and run the code. This first section is for data visualization. You should see a figure pop up with a bunch of red data and a bunch of blue data in distinct groups. Now here it can be fairly obvious that a simple line will not separate the data. This is where using different kernels comes in to play!
The full definition of the SVC method with its default values is as follows and can be found here.
class sklearn.svm.SVC(*, C=1.0, kernel='rbf', degree=3, gamma='scale',
coef0=0.0, shrinking=True, probability=False, tol=0.001, cache_size=200,
class_weight=None, verbose=False, max_iter=-1,
decision_function_shape='ovr', break_ties=False, random_state=None)
We don't often need to deal with ALL of these values, which is why we start off just using the defaults. In line 46
of the code we simply have clf = svm.SVC()
. This means that all of the default parameters are used. Depending on the chosen kernel, only certain parameters are actually used by the method. For example gamma
is not used if the kernel is linear. Don’t worry too much about this now. Check out the above link if you want to see the definition of the class and learn a little more.
Now, change p1d
and p1e
to True
and run the code again. In this section, instead of using the svm.LinearSVC
method, we are using the svm.SVC
method to fit our data. By default, the svm.SVC
method uses a radial basis function as its kernel and it has two parameters, in this case gamma
and C
. The gamma
parameter defines how far the influence of a single training example reaches, with low values meaning far and high values meaning close. The gamma
parameters can be seen as the inverse of the radius of influence of samples selected by the model as support vectors.
The C
parameter trades off correct classification of training examples against maximization of the decision function’s margin. For larger values of C
, a smaller margin will be accepted if the decision function is better at classifying all training points correctly. A lower C
will encourage a larger margin, therefore a simpler decision function, at the cost of training accuracy. In other words C
behaves as a regularization parameter in the SVM.
By default C
is set to 1 and gamma
is set to 'scale' which means it uses 1 / (nfeatures * X.var())
as the value of gamma
Here you will see an additional data point indicated by a + sign. Although the point appears to be directly between the four clusters of data, the SVM has classified it as "blue". Why is that?
The answer can be revealed by plotting the decision boundaries! Now, change p1d
, p1e
, and p1f
to True
and run the code again. Here, you should see the same plot but with the decision boundaries dictated by a solid black line, the margins dictated by dashed lines. If you recall, the goal of SVM is to find a decision boundary that maximizes the margins separating the two data sets. You'll also notice that some points are circled with green lines. These points are the support vectors, basically the points that have the most influence on determining the location of the decision boundary. In this case, the decision boundary connects the two blue sections in the middle, while cutting off the red sections from each other.
Try changing the values of C and gamma and see what happens! Start with gamma
values ranging from 0.1
to 10
and C
values ranging from 0.1
to 100
. Feel free to explore other values.
❓ QUESTION 2 ❓ |
Show us some screenshots of any notable changes. |
Now, try changing the kernel and see what happens. The following kernels are available for use: 'linear'
, 'poly'
, 'rbf'
, 'sigmoid'
❓ QUESTION 3 ❓ |
How well does each kernel appear to classify the data? Show some screenshots of the different kernels being used. |
Next, see what happens if we play with the polynomial kernel. By default, it is set to degree = 3
. Let's use a higher degree and see if it helps.
❓ QUESTION 4 ❓ |
Does changing the polynomial kernel degree help? Which one appears to be the best? Is there a disadvantage to using higher degree polynomial functions? |
We have provided you a classic hello world example of NNs used to classify handwritten images of numbers to the number in the image. Run nn/classifier.py
A window will show up, there are two sets of accuracy over epochs, one for the training data and the other for the testing data. As the epoch proceeds, we can see that the accuracies in both the training set and the test set increase as expected. Notice this is an ideal case. Overfitting could happen if the epoch number is set too high and under-fitting could happen when the epoch number is too low. Try modifying the code to use an epoch number larger than 5.
Take a closer look into the code. In the previous section we have installed the Tensorflow library. It is an open source library developed by Google for convenient and efficient deployment of common machine learning techniques. Keras is a NN library that is built on Tensorflow. Some background information: An alternative library is Pytorch, developed by Microsoft and Facebook, feel free to implement with both libraries and make a comparison. In 2.12, we will stick with Tensorflow.
In this lab, we use the MNIST image set, which is a set of handwritten images of numbers that are correctly labelled. Each image contains 28 × 28 pixels. In this script, we use 60,000 images to train our network and 10,000 to test the network. The 28 × 28 pixels are converted to a single array, which is then fed through the NN, where the trained y
value is the number corresponding to the image.
Here, we use two layers of neurons, with a sigmoid and a softmax activation function. There are a lot other activation functions, such as relu and tanh. Give them a try and see how that changes the result. Here, we also use stochastic gradient decent to find our global minimum. Alternative optimizers such as adam and adagrad are also included in Keras. A cool comparison of their performances can be found here.
Eventually, we give each image sample 10 scores based on the output of the last layer of neuron. These 10 scores are the probabilities, corresponding to the numbers 0-9, that are evaluated with a mathematical technique called cross-entropy. The index with the highest probability is the number predicted by the image.
❓ QUESTION 5 ❓ |
Why do we convert the 2-dimensional 28-28 input matrix into a 784 x 1 array? How is that different from a convolutional neural network? |
❓ QUESTION 6 ❓ |
Do you notice any interesting correlation between sigmoid and softmax as activation functions? |
Open this example notebook from TensorFlow. The notebook is on Google Colab, a hosted Jupyter Notebook service that requires no setup to use and provides free access to computing resources, including GPUs and TPUs.
The notebook features an example of a more advanced machine learning technique that would likely be necessary to detect something like a transparent water bottle. We will use the Oxford IIIT Pet dataset, where 37 categories of pets are correctly segmented from the image and classified, and a modified version of a CNN, which has several downsampling and upsampling layers. The downsampling encoder is called MobileNetV2, detailed here, while the upsampling decoder is the pix2pix
package from the Tensorflow example.
The code is divided into several parts. The first part is displaying the image and the mask. The mask is the segmented image that we want to produce with the model and the image is of an animal. The next part is the construction of the CNN and the fitting of the system. It requires a lot more training than the previous example, 20 epochs instead of 5. The training also requires a lot more compute, which is why we asked you to run it on Colab. After each epoch, there is a callback written to save the weights at the end of the training and also a callback to display the predicted image after training. The last part is the training loss and validation loss after each epoch. There models are saved in the folder.
Click the bracket [ ]
in front of each code block sequentially to run the code. Make sure to read the descriptions carefully.
❓ QUESTION 7 ❓ |
At which stage does convolution come in? |
Please compile all your screenshots and answers in a PDF and upload it to Canvas. Then, fill out https://tinyurl.com/212-feedback.
Version 1 - 2020: Jerry Ng, Rachel Hoffman-Bice, Steven Yeung, and Kamal Youcef-Toumi
Version 2 - 2021: Phillip Daniel
Version 3 - 2024: Jinger Chong ↩