This repository contains the pipeline for neutral mutational spectra evaluation based on evolutionary data and materials for the publication titled "NeMu: A Comprehensive Pipeline for Accurate Reconstruction of Neutral Mutation Spectra from Evolutionary Data" by Efimenko B. et al.
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Check Wiki to read how to use the pipeline
directory contains *.nf files (Nextflow) with 2 versions of the pipeline: for single-protein and multiple-nucleotide inputs./singularity/
- definition files for the container used to store all dependencies./data/
- several intermediate files from analyses, example inputs, full example run and supplementary data for the article./figures/
- figures from all performed analyses and comparisons, pipeline schemes, etc../notebooks/
- all performed analyses on python./scripts/
- all used scripts for specific data processing during analyses and scripts, used in the NeMu pipeline./docs/
- notes for used tools
Each main directory contains readme file with detailed information.
The pipeline relies on a diverse set of dependencies. To simplify execution, ensure compatibility across different operating systems, all these dependencies have been packaged within a Singularity container. We used Singularity 3.10.2.
Here listed all dependencies used in the NeMu pipeline during mutatoinal spectra calculations:
- Linux (e.g. Ubuntu)
- Nextflow 22.10.7
- Python 3.8.12
- Perl v5.16.3
- R 3.6.0
- BLAST+ 2.13.0 for tblast search in nucleotide sequences databases;
- Mview 1.67 for blast-report reformatting;
- Custom Perl scripts for sequences extraction and filtration;
- MACSE v2.06 and MAFFT 7.505 for nucleotide sequences alignment considering codon structure;
- IQ-TREE2 2.2.0 for tree building, ancestral reconstruction and site rates estimation;
- TreeShrink 1.3.9 for outlier branch filtration;
- Newick-tools 1.6 for tree rerooting and other tree processing;
- Pymutspec 0.0.8 Python package that we developed for mutation extraction and spectrum calculation.
- Pyvolve 1.1.0 (modified) for neutral evolution simutation using MutSel models
Bogdan Efimenko, Konstantin Popadin, Konstantin Gunbin, NeMu: a comprehensive pipeline for accurate reconstruction of neutral mutation spectra from evolutionary data, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 52, Issue W1, 5 July 2024, Pages W108–W115,