- install node (recommended - use nvm - node version manager - https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm#installation-and-update)
- install yarn (package manager - https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install)
- install mysql (recommended - use brew - local installation of database)
brew install mysql
brew services start mysql
- create database in mysql cli (
) mysql -u root password <password> <db_name>
Inside dogs-api
run following commands:
cp .env.example .env
yarn migrate
yarn seed
yarn start-dev
Visit http://localhost:4000/dog in the browser and you should see some seeded items.
- GET / - see welcome page
GET /dog - get list of dogs
GET /dog/:id - get dog by id
POST /dog - post a dog to the list send json as body like this:
"name": "Fetch",
"age": 2,
"description": "Very cute, but also fetches like a boss!",
"breed": "Labrador"
GET /shelter - get list of shelters
GET /shelter/:id - get shelter by id
POST /shelter - post a shelter to the list send json as body like this:
"name": "wiener tierschutzverein",
"address_1": "Triester Straße 8",
"address_2": "2331 Vösendorf",
"description": "Die Stimme der Tiere. Das Original seit 1846.",
"url": "https://www.wiener-tierschutzverein.org/"
- GET /shelter/:id/dog - get list of dogs shelter of :id