Singularity image for iRODS iCommands.
You can build a local Singularity image named icommands.4.2.2.simg
$ sudo singularity build icommands.4.2.2.simg Singularity
Instead of building it yourself you can download the pre-built image from Singularity Hub with:
singularity pull --name icommands.4.2.2.simg shub://mjstealey/singularity-irods-icommands
$ singularity help icommands.4.2.2.simg
iRODS Version 4.2.2
$ singularity run icommands.4.2.2.simg [icommand] [args]
$ singularity run --app iinit icommands.4.2.2.simg
$ singularity run --app iinit icommands.4.2.2.simg [args]
Where [args] in
--irods_host String
--irods_port Integer
--irods_user_name String
--irods_zone_name String
--irods_password String
--irods_default_resource String
--irods_home String
singularity run icommands.4.2.2.simg [icommand] [args]
./icommands.4.2.2.simg [icommand] [args]
Where [icommand]
is a valid iRODS iCommand and [args
] is zero or more supporting arguments for that iCommand.
Prior to initializing your iRODS environment using iinit
, the only valid iCommand will be ihelp
$ singularity run icommands.4.2.2.simg ihelp
The iCommands and a brief description of each:
iadmin - perform iRODS administrator operations (iRODS admins only).
ibun - upload/download structured (tar) files.
icd - change the current working directory (Collection).
ichksum - checksum one or more Data Objects or Collections.
ichmod - change access permissions to Collections or Data Objects.
icp - copy a data-object (file) or Collection (directory) to another.
ienv - display current iRODS environment.
ierror - convert an iRODS error code to text.
iexecmd - remotely execute special commands.
iexit - exit an iRODS session (opposite of iinit).
ifsck - check if local files/directories are consistent with the associated Data Objects/Collections in iRODS.
iget - get a file from iRODS.
igroupadmin - perform group-admin functions: mkuser, add/remove from group, etc.
ihelp - display a synopsis list of the iCommands.
iinit - initialize a session, so you don't need to retype your password.
ils - list Collections (directories) and Data Objects (files).
ilsresc - list iRODS resources.
imcoll - manage mounted collections and associated cache.
imeta - add/remove/copy/list/query user-defined metadata.
imiscsvrinfo - retrieve basic server information.
imkdir - make an iRODS directory (Collection).
imv - move/rename an iRODS Data Object (file) or Collection (directory).
ipasswd - change your iRODS password.
iphybun - DEPRECATED - physically bundle files (admin only).
iphymv - physically move a Data Object to another storage Resource.
ips - display iRODS agent (server) connection information.
iput - put (store) a file into iRODS.
ipwd - print the current working directory (Collection) name.
iqdel - remove a delayed rule (owned by you) from the queue.
iqmod - modify certain values in existing delayed rules (owned by you).
iqstat - show the queue status of delayed rules.
iquest - issue a question (query on system/user-defined metadata).
iquota - show information on iRODS quotas (if any).
ireg - register a file or directory/files/subdirectories into iRODS.
irepl - replicate a file in iRODS to another storage resource.
irm - remove one or more Data Objects or Collections.
irmdir - removes an empty Collection
irmtrash - remove Data Objects from the trash bin.
irsync - synchronize Collections between a local/iRODS or iRODS/iRODS.
irule - submit a rule to be executed by the iRODS server.
iscan - check if local file or directory is registered in iRODS.
isysmeta - show or modify system metadata.
iticket - create, delete, modify & list tickets (alternative access strings).
itrim - trim down the number of replicas of Data Objects.
iuserinfo - show information about your iRODS user account.
ixmsg - send/receive iRODS xMessage System messages.
izonereport - generates a full diagnostic/backup report of your Zone.
For more information on a particular iCommand:
'<iCommand> -h'
'ihelp <iCommand>'
iRODS Version 4.2.2 ihelp
The iinit
command is launched as an explicit app:
$ singularity run --app iinit icommands.4.2.2.simg
If no arguments are passed in the user will be walked through the iinit
$ singularity run --app iinit icommands.4.2.2.simg
ERROR: environment_properties::capture: missing environment file. should be at [/home/stealey/.irods/irods_environment.json]
One or more fields in your iRODS environment file (irods_environment.json) are
missing; please enter them.
Enter the host name (DNS) of the server to connect to:
Enter the port number: 1247
Enter your irods user name: nwm-reader
Enter your irods zone: nwmZone
Those values will be added to your environment file (for use by
other iCommands) if the login succeeds.
Enter your current iRODS password: nwmreader
IINIT: $HOME/.irods/irods_environment.json
"irods_host": "",
"irods_port": 1247,
"irods_zone_name": "nwmZone",
"irods_user_name": "nwm-reader"
This will also result in two new files being created in the users $HOME/.irods
$ ls -alh $HOME/.irods
-rw------- 1 xxxxx xxxxx 17 Mar 26 14:44 .irodsA
-rw-r--r-- 1 xxxxx xxxxx 133 Mar 26 14:44 irods_environment.json
is the JSON definition for the iRODS connection (as seen at the end of theiinit
command output)..irodsA
is the hashed value of the user's iRODS password.
The iinit
command is launched as an explicit app:
singularity run --app iinit icommands.4.2.2.simg [args]
Valid args
-h | --irods_host as String
-p | --irods_port as Integer
-u | --irods_user_name as String
-z | --irods_zone_name as String
-s | --irods_password as String
-d | --irods_default_resource as String
-m | --irods_home as String
If arguments are passed in the script will attempt the iinit
process using a combination of preexisting information in the irods_environment.json
file along with the arguments passed in by the user.
If the
argument is populated the user will not be prompted for the password, but may notice anInappropriate ioctl
warning at the prompt./bin/stty: 'standard input': Inappropriate ioctl for device /bin/stty: 'standard input': Inappropriate ioctl for device
$ singularity run --app iinit icommands.4.2.2.simg \
> --irods_host \
> --irods_port 1247 \
> --irods_user_name nwm-reader \
> --irods_zone_name nwmZone \
> --irods_password nwmreader \
> --irods_default_resource nwmResc \
> --irods_home /nwmZone/home/nwm/data
/bin/stty: 'standard input': Inappropriate ioctl for device
/bin/stty: 'standard input': Inappropriate ioctl for device
Enter your current iRODS password:
IINIT: $HOME/.irods/irods_environment.json
"irods_host": "",
"irods_port": 1247,
"irods_zone_name": "nwmZone",
"irods_user_name": "nwm-reader",
"irods_default_resource": "nwmResc",
"irods_home": "/nwmZone/home/nwm/data"
Once the user has established their iRODS identity using the iinit
command, they can issue a variety of iCommands. Examples given assuming prior initialization for
Example: ils
$ singularity run icommands.4.2.2.simg ils
C- /nwmZone/home/nwm/data/analysis_assim
C- /nwmZone/home/nwm/data/fe_analysis_assim
C- /nwmZone/home/nwm/data/forcing_analysis_assim
C- /nwmZone/home/nwm/data/forcing_medium_range
C- /nwmZone/home/nwm/data/forcing_short_range
C- /nwmZone/home/nwm/data/long_range
C- /nwmZone/home/nwm/data/medium_range
C- /nwmZone/home/nwm/data/nomads
C- /nwmZone/home/nwm/data/short_range
C- /nwmZone/home/nwm/data/usgs_timeslices
Example: ils /nwmZone/home/nwm/data/nomads
$ singularity run icommands.4.2.2.simg ils /nwmZone/home/nwm/data/nomads
C- /nwmZone/home/nwm/data/nomads/nwm.20180214
C- /nwmZone/home/nwm/data/nomads/nwm.20180215
C- /nwmZone/home/nwm/data/nomads/nwm.20180325
C- /nwmZone/home/nwm/data/nomads/nwm.20180326
Example: iget /nwmZone/home/nwm/data/nomads/nwm.20180325/short_range/
$ singularity run icommands.4.2.2.simg iget /nwmZone/home/nwm/data/nomads/nwm.20180325/short_range/
Verify file on local system.
$ ls -alh $(pwd)/
-rw-r----- 1 xxxxx xxxxx 12M Mar 26 14:55 /home/stealey/irods-icommands-singularity/
- NOTE: By default Singularity will mount
from the local file system to the container, so files that are retrieved from iRODS usingiget
will be saved to$PWD
unless specified otherwise.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The code is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.