- Warwickshire, UK
- http://twitter.com/mjtko
Automatically display online/offline indication to your users
mjtko / highline
Forked from JEG2/highlineMoving the HighLine source from RubyForge
mjtko / dm-rest-adapter
Forked from d11wtq/dm-rest-adapterREST Adapter for DataMapper
mjtko / apache-websocket
Forked from disconnect/apache-websocketApache WebSocket module
mjtko / bueller
Forked from erithmetic/bueller(maintained) A tool for crafting Ruby gems with the help of bundler
ActiveRecord-style associations and miscellaneous fixes for nested ActiveResources
mjtko / ffi-drmaa
Forked from jeremy04/drmaa4ruby-1.9DRMAA C wrapper for Ruby 1.9
mjtko / net-dhcp-ruby
Forked from syonbori/net-dhcp-rubyNet::DHCP Library for ruby, originally written by etd, http://rubyforge.org/projects/netdhcp/
mjtko / sass-rails
Forked from rails/sass-railsRuby on Rails stylesheet engine for Sass
A DataMapper plugin that allows nested model assignment like activerecord.
mjtko / yepnope.js
Forked from SlexAxton/yepnope.jsAn Asynchronous Conditional Resource Loader
A minimal Ruby interface to libtcl (originally by Sam Stephenson)
mjtko / el_finder
Forked from phallstrom/el_finderRuby gem to provide server side connector to elFinder (open-source file manager for web)
mjtko / rails-dev-tweaks
Forked from wavii/rails-dev-tweaksA collection of tweaks to improve your Rails (3.1+) development experience.
mjtko / i18n-js
Forked from fnando/i18n-jsIt's a small library to provide the I18n translations on the Javascript. It comes with Rails support.
mjtko / js-routes
Forked from railsware/js-routesBrings Rails named routes to javascript
mjtko / rack-raw-upload
Forked from New-Bamboo/rack-raw-uploadRack middleware to handle raw file uploads
mjtko / mootools-rails
Forked from spangenberg/mootools-railsA gem to automate using MooTools with Rails 3
mjtko / liquid
Forked from Shopify/liquidLiquid markup language. Safe, customer facing template language for flexible web apps.
Inherited Resources speeds up development by making your controllers inherit all restful actions so you just have to focus on what is important.
mjtko / dm-validations
Forked from datamapper/dm-validationsLibrary for performing validations on DM models and pure Ruby object
Net::DHCP Library for ruby, originally written by etd, http://rubyforge.org/projects/netdhcp/
A collection of tweaks to improve your Rails (3.1+) development experience.
Object mapping plugin for KnockoutJS
mjtko / cancan
Forked from ryanb/cancanAuthorization Gem for Ruby on Rails.
mjtko / dm-active_model
Forked from datamapper/dm-active_modelA plugin to make datamapper active_model compliant and thus compatible with rails3