Kickstart your Rails app with daisyui The most popular, free and open-source component library for Tailwind CSS. See in live Demo
Current Main Branch: Rails 8.0 + esbuild
Rails 7.2 + esbuild: https://github.com/mkhairi/rails-daisyui-starter/tree/rails7
Rails 6 + webpacker: https://github.com/mkhairi/rails-daisyui-starter/tree/rails6
This Rails daisyui starter template is designed to kickstart your Rails project with daisyui swiftly. It comes with some magic spells and is supposedly beginner-friendly. Keeping it as simple as it should be.
- Pre-equipped essential stuff.
- heartcombo gems
- Inline Svg
- Simple Navigation
- Tinymce
- ....
Clone the repo
Install ruby, nodejs for runtime dependencies. You might refer gorails setup tutorial for initial setup development enviroment.
bundle install
yarn install
Set up and run the development server: