This repository is used for my bachelor thesis. The original code can be found on SourceForge. The goal of this project is to port OpenPEARL to the ESP32.
PEARL is a high level procedural programming language, which was especially designed for the demanding need to have an expressive and comfortable language for solving multitasking problems when controlling technincal processes. PEARL is an abbreviation for "(P)rocess and (E)xperiment (A)utomation (R)ealtime (L)anguage". It was designed around 1975 at the IRT Institute of the Leibniz University in Hannover with the idea in mind to have an easy to learn programming language for realtime problems. For more, also historical information please visit ( In 1998 PEARL-90 was standardized by the Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. in DIN 66253-2. PEARL provides the standard data types and structures known from other procedural languages like e.g. PASCAL. Additionally PEARL brings special language constructs for managing real-time and multitasking tasks.