Maven boilerplate project for creating native JavaFX desktop apps with reasonable defaults.
- Multi-module project structure
- Includes some plugins and dependencies you'll probably need anyway. Just make sure you're using the latest versions
- Includes basic assets structure (fonts, styles and themes), so you won't need to waste your time on this either
- Produces:
- portable cross-platform artifact, namely Java application image
- Windows
installers - Linux AppImage plus
- Doesn't require to store any platform specific artifacts in repository
- Release notes from changelog generation
Generated app size is around 60Mb, installers ~40Mb. It directly depends on how many modules you're using. Check jlink
options to shrink image size even more.
- Java 17+, feel free to bump Java version when its out
- Maven 3.6+ or use bundled Maven wrapper for demo purposes
- For local build:
- Wix Toolset is requireddeb
- dpkg-dev and fakeroot requiredrpm
- rpm-build is required
To generate everything but native installers:
mvn clean package
To create a new release:
mvn clean install
To run the app:
# omit java.home if OS Java version is the same as project Java version
# more explanation in pom.xml
mvn javafx:run -Djava.home=<path-to-jdk>
To run the app in debug mode:
mvn javafx:run@debug
After that use you IDE to connect to the JVM via run configuration for remote debugging. Default port is 9090
To issue a new release create a tag that matches v*
and push it into remote repository. Check the workflow for details. Note that it uses your changelog to generate release notes, so don't forget to update it.
Also don't forget to update the workflow if you want to rename the desktop module.
Because it's easier to maintain a template as an ordinary project you can run and experiment with. Maven archetypes is good for bootstrapping but you can also use Bash to rename a project:
find . -depth -type f -regex ".*\.\(xml\|java\)$" -exec sed -i -e 's/boilerplate/myrootpackagename/g' {} \;
find . -depth -type d -name 'boilerplate' -execdir rename 's/boilerplate/myrootpackagename/' '{}' \+
Absolutely. You have two options. Either inject
into existing library by using Moditect Maven plugin. You can find an example here. Or use pre-packaged dependencies from GuicedEE project.
Not planned.