An implementation of an Event Store for Ruby and Rails. Comes with Active Record adapter.
This single repository hosts several gems.
We're aiming for 100% mutation coverage in this project. This is why:
- Why I want to introduce mutation testing to the rails_event_store gem
- Mutation testing and continuous integration
Whenever you fix a bug or add a new feature, we require that the coverage doesn't go down.
Documentation and code samples are available at Sources can be found in another repository.
Check the contribution guide.
This repository is funded and maintained by Arkency. Check out our other open-source projects.
Consider hiring us and make sure to check out our blog.
Check our Rails + Domain Driven Design Workshop. Why You should attend? Robert has explained this in a blogpost.
Next edition will be held on 21-22th September 2017 in Berlin, Germany. Workshop will be held in English.
Another edition is also planned for November in London.
You may also consider buying the Domain-Driven Rails book.