This repository contains an opinionated set of config files for quickly setting up a freshly-installed Debian-ishsystem without a desktop environment into a basic i3 desktop environment with standard development tooling.
The setup, after complete, is fully usable as-is. It can also be used as a base system to transition or upgrade to Sway.
This repository is intended to be used to assist in setting up newly-formatted Debian systems without a desktop environment. It has been tested on the following distributions:
- Debian 11
- Raspberry Pi OS
Install the following through the package manager:
- xorg
- rxvt-unicode
- i3-wm
- i3status
- tree
- locate
- tmux
- git
- chromium (chromium-browser if on Rasbian)
- dmenu
- gnome-themes-standard
- ninja-build
- clang
- zsh
- lxappearance
- cmake
- make
- doxygen
- liblua5.2
- liblua5.2-0-dev
- luarocks
- xwayland
- xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
Install the following from source, using the linked instructions from the repos:
- neovim
Install the following from luarocks:
sudo luarocks install luasocket
Clone the repository in ~ and rename the directory from base-i3-dotfiles to ~/dotfiles.
Run the following to pick up the environment variables before running the installer:
source ~/dotfiles/zsh/.zshenv
Change mode on to executable:
sudo chmod u+x
Run tree in ~/.config to confirm the symlinks were created correctly.
Change the shell to zsh:
chsh -s $(which zsh)
Reboot and, if successful, you will see the i3 status bar. Use MENU+ENTER to invoke the terminal (unicode-rxvt).
Xinit invokes i3 in the .zshrc file, which along with .zshenv, are sourced on boot and new shell creation in Zsh.
- Errors when launching Neovim
Make sure the Lua dev headers are installed. Run :PlugInstall to install the lsp-config plugin.
- Error in status bar
Make sure i3status
is installed.
- What about Alacritty?
Alacritty install is optional but if you're transitioning to Sway you'll need a terminal emulator that supports Wayland, which rxvt does not.
- What is the color theme?
Seoul256 by junegunn.