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Raknoche committed Jun 21, 2016
1 parent ccf5fc9 commit 71b3963
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Showing 170 changed files with 113,530 additions and 0 deletions.
363 changes: 363 additions & 0 deletions CodeForLUX/Matlab/ApplyCorrections.m

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2,580 changes: 2,580 additions & 0 deletions CodeForLUX/Matlab/KrypCal.m

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97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions CodeForLUX/Matlab/MyFunctions/EstimateField.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
% Purpose:
% This function takes s2radius and s2drift inputs in the form of 1D vectors. It
% uses Scott Hertel's field simulation to determine the field at the location of each data point.
% The output of this function is a 1D vector of the same length of the original data which
% has corresponding field values for each data point in the units of V/cm.
% We use a cubic interpolation of Scott's map within the bounds of his simulated data
% and use a nearest neighbor interpolation outside of the bounds. The bounds are defined by
% fitting a spline to a rvZ scatterplot in the simulated data, with the additional constraint
% that any simulated data with drift_time<20 uSec is thrown out since the simualtion seems
% inaccurate in that region. Additionally, any real data that has radius < 1 cm is
% considered to be outside of the simulation bounds, since a cubic interpolation fails in that region
% despite the data being within the simulation bounds.
% Inputs:
% - s2radius - 1xN Event radii after golden selection
% - s2drift - 1xN Event drift times after golden selection
% - year - A string defining which of Scott's simulations to use. ('2014' or '2015)
% Outputs:
% - FieldValues - 1xN Estimated field values in the vicinity of each event
% Author:
% - Richard Knoche

function [ FieldValues ] = EstimateField( s2radius, s2drift, year )

%% Load simualted field data from Scott

case '2014'
load('C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2012a\bin\Run04_ERBand\Kr2p22\sep2014_field_map.mat');
case '2015'
load('C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2012a\bin\Run04_ERBand\Kr2p22\sep2015_field_map.mat')

%% Clean up simulated field data

%reshape the data
sim_radius = reshape(sep2014_field_map.r_end_cm,1,size(sep2014_field_map.r_end_cm,1)*size(sep2014_field_map.r_end_cm,2));
sim_drift = reshape(sep2014_field_map.t_end_us,1,size(sep2014_field_map.t_end_us,1)*size(sep2014_field_map.t_end_us,2));
sim_field = reshape(sep2014_field_map.E_start_Vcm,1,size(sep2014_field_map.E_start_Vcm,1)*size(sep2014_field_map.E_start_Vcm,2));

% Remove NaN from simulated field data
nan_cut = (~isnan(sim_radius) & ~isnan(sim_drift) & ~isnan(sim_field));
sim_radius = sim_radius(nan_cut);
sim_drift = sim_drift(nan_cut);
sim_field = sim_field(nan_cut);

%% Make a 2D map of the field, with radius_bin and drift_bin vectors

% Can use griddata to interpolate the Field Map, but it doesn't work well for points outside the boundary
% Instead, we first find the boundary, use nearest neighbor interp outside of it, and cubic interp inside of it

%Finds the boundary of the radius, drift_time scatter plot
clear r_center max_z
i = 1;
r_step = 0.5;

for r_max=[0.45:r_step:25];
r_center(i) = mean(sim_radius(inrange(sim_radius,[r_max-r_step,r_max]))); %#ok<AGROW>
max_z(i) = max(sim_drift(inrange(sim_radius,[r_max-r_step,r_max]))); %#ok<AGROW>

%Construct the boundary from a spline fit to the maximum values found above
boundary_spline = csapi(r_center,max_z);

%Evaluates if data is inside or outside the boundary
data_boundary = fnval(boundary_spline, s2radius);

%A cut that is one in inside, zero if outside. Has extra specifications to avoid bad simulation data at low drift and radius
data_inside_bound = (s2drift<=data_boundary & s2drift>=20 & s2radius>=1);

%To get field value for the data, first split into inside/outside bound data vectors
data_inbound_radius = s2radius(data_inside_bound);
data_inbound_drift = s2drift(data_inside_bound);
data_outbound_radius = s2radius(~data_inside_bound);
data_outbound_drift = s2drift(~data_inside_bound);

%Interpolate: outside bound use nearest neighbor, inside bound use cubic
field_inbound_value = griddata(sim_drift,sim_radius,sim_field,data_inbound_drift,data_inbound_radius,'cubic');

%only uses nearest for sim_drift>=20 uSec to avoid problem at low drift in sim
field_outbound_value = griddata(sim_drift(sim_drift>=20),sim_radius(sim_drift>=20),sim_field(sim_drift>=20),data_outbound_drift,data_outbound_radius,'nearest');

%Patch inbound and outbound field values together
FieldValues = zeros(length(field_inbound_value)+length(field_outbound_value),1);
FieldValues(data_inside_bound) = field_inbound_value;
FieldValues(~data_inside_bound) = field_outbound_value;

53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions CodeForLUX/Matlab/MyFunctions/GetGoldenCuts.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
% Purpose:
% This function produces golden event selection cuts between S1 and S2 area bounds
% Inputs:
% - d - the data structure to be analysed.
% - s1area_bound_min - Minimum S1 size
% - s1area_bound_max - Maximum S1 size
% - s2area_bound_min - Minimum S2 size
% - s2area_bound_max - Maximum S2 size
% Outputs:
% - s1_single_cut -Golden event cut for S1 pulses
% - s2_single_cut - Golden event cut for S2 pulses
% Author:
% - Richard Knoche

function [ s1_single_cut, s2_single_cut ] = GetGoldenCuts( d, s1area_bound_min, s1area_bound_max, s2area_bound_min, s2area_bound_max )

%Pulse area cuts
cut_s2_area = inrange(d.pulse_area_phe, [s2area_bound_min, s2area_bound_max]);
cut_s1_area = inrange(d.pulse_area_phe, [s1area_bound_min, s1area_bound_max]);

%Pulse classification cuts (S2 cut is defined above 100 phe, and paired with an s1)
cut_pulse_s1 = d.pulse_classification == 1 | d.pulse_classification == 9;
cut_pulse_s2 = d.pulse_classification == 2;
cut_s2_with_threshold = d.pulse_area_phe.*cut_pulse_s2 > 100; % subset of cut_pulse_s2
cut_legit_s2_in_legit_event = d.s1s2_pairing.*cut_s2_with_threshold; % this should be used as s2 classification cuts

%Golden cut defines golden events to be events which have one and only one paired S2 above the threshold of 100 phe
%Note there can be multiple S1s in the golden event
cut_golden_event = sum(cut_legit_s2_in_legit_event) == 1;
cut_s2_in_golden_events = logical(repmat(cut_golden_event,[10,1]).*cut_legit_s2_in_legit_event); %Selects S2 that is in a golden event
cut_s1_in_golden_events = logical(repmat(cut_golden_event,[10,1]).*cut_pulse_s1.*d.s1s2_pairing); %Selects first S1 that is in a golden event

%Combine area cuts and golden cuts
cut_s2_for = cut_s2_in_golden_events.*cut_s2_area; %Selects S2 that is in a golden event and in Kr area bounds
cut_s1_for = cut_s1_in_golden_events.*cut_s1_area; %Selects first S1 that is in a golden event and in Kr area bounds

%Require that "good" golden events have only one S1, that the S1 be within area bounds, and the S2 be within area bounds
%Note sum(cut_s1_for) == 1 above only requires that the first of the S1 in an event be within area bounds, since the S1S2pairing part of cut_s1_in_golden_events is 0 for all subsequent S1s in the events
cut_selected_events = sum(cut_s2_for) == 1 & sum(cut_s1_for) == 1 & sum(d.pulse_classification==1)==1;

%Final event selection cuts
s1_single_cut = logical(repmat(cut_selected_events,[10,1]).*cut_s1_in_golden_events);
s2_single_cut = logical(repmat(cut_selected_events,[10,1]).*cut_s2_in_golden_events);


33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions CodeForLUX/Matlab/MyFunctions/GetS1aS1bCuts.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
% Purpose:
% This function produces golden event selection cuts for Kr S1a and S1b pulses
% Inputs:
% - d - the data structure to be analysed.
% - s1_single_cut - Golden event cut for merged Kr S1 pulses
% - s2_single_cut - Golden event cut for merged Kr S2 pulses
% Outputs:
% - s1ab_cut - Golden event cut for S1a and S1b pulses
% Author:
% - Richard Knoche

function [ s1ab_cut ] = GetS1aS1bCuts(d, s1_single_cut, s2_single_cut)

%Make timing variables
s1ab_timing = d.Kr83fit_dt_samples;

%Set up cuts
s1ab_golden_cut = logical(sum(s1_single_cut(:,:),1));
s1ab_pulsearea_cut = d.Kr83fit_s1b_area_phe > 30;
s1ab_timing_cut = s1ab_timing > 13;
s1ab_radius_cut_temp = (sqrt(d.x_cm.^2 + d.y_cm.^2) < 25) & s2_single_cut;
s1ab_radius_cut = logical(sum(s1ab_radius_cut_temp(:,:),1));
s1ab_cut = s1ab_golden_cut & s1ab_timing_cut & s1ab_pulsearea_cut & s1ab_radius_cut;


46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions CodeForLUX/Matlab/MyFunctions/GetS1aS1bFiducialCuts.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
% Purpose:
% This function produces fiducial volume cuts for Kr S1a and S1b pulses
% Inputs:
% - s1ab_z - S1a/S1b z coordinates after golden cut is applied
% - s2radius - S1a/S1b radius coordinates after golden cut is applied
% Outputs:
% - s1ab_z_cut - Fidiucal cut for making XY dependence maps with S1a/S1b
% - s1ab_r_cut - Fidiucal cut for making Z dependence maps with S1a/S1b
% - s1ab_z_cut_upper - Upper limit on S1a/S1b drift time histogram
% Author:
% - Richard Knoche

function [ s1ab_z_cut, s1ab_r_cut, s1ab_z_cut_upper ] = GetS1aS1bFiducialCuts(s1ab_z, s1ab_radius)

%Additional Z cut for s1ab_xy measurement
s1ab_z_hist_binning = (0:1:400); %Drift time range
s1ab_z_hist_cut = inrange(s1ab_z,[0,400]);
[s1ab_z_hist s1ab_z_hist_bins] = hist(s1ab_z(s1ab_z_hist_cut),s1ab_z_hist_binning);
frac_hist = cumsum(s1ab_z_hist)./sum(s1ab_z_hist);
s1ab_z_cut_lower = min(s1ab_z_hist_bins(frac_hist>.10));
s1ab_z_cut_upper = max(s1ab_z_hist_bins(frac_hist<.90));
s1ab_z_cut = inrange(s1ab_z,[s1ab_z_cut_lower,s1ab_z_cut_upper]);

%Additional radius cut for s1ab_Z measurement
s1ab_r_hist_binning = (0:1:26);
s1ab_r_upperhist_cut = (s1ab_z>s1ab_z_cut_upper & s1ab_radius<=26);
s1ab_r_lowerhist_cut = (s1ab_z<s1ab_z_cut_lower & s1ab_radius<=26);
[upperz_r_hist upperz_r_hist_bins] = hist(s1ab_radius(s1ab_r_upperhist_cut),s1ab_r_hist_binning);
[lowerz_r_hist lowerz_r_hist_bins] = hist(s1ab_radius(s1ab_r_lowerhist_cut),s1ab_r_hist_binning);
frac_lowerz_r_hist = cumsum(lowerz_r_hist)./sum(lowerz_r_hist); %Find 80% radial edge of bottom 10% drift time
lowerz_rbound = max(lowerz_r_hist_bins(frac_lowerz_r_hist<0.80));
frac_upperz_r_hist = cumsum(upperz_r_hist)./sum(upperz_r_hist); %Find 90% radial edge of top 90% drift time
upperz_rbound = max(upperz_r_hist_bins(frac_upperz_r_hist<0.90));
rslope = (s1ab_z_cut_lower-s1ab_z_cut_upper)/(lowerz_rbound-upperz_rbound); %find slope and intercept of radial cut line
rintercept = s1ab_z_cut_lower-rslope.*lowerz_rbound;
s1ab_r_cut = (s1ab_z-rslope.*s1ab_radius)<rintercept;


32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions CodeForLUX/Matlab/MyFunctions/GetSECuts.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
% Purpose:
% This function produces single electron selection cuts from golden S1 and S2 events
% Inputs:
% - d - the data structure to be analysed.
% - s1_single_cut - 10xN Golden S1 selection cut
% - s2_single_cut - 10xN Golden S2 selection cut
% Outputs:
% - SE_good_cut - Golden event cut for S1 pulses
% Author:
% - Richard Knoche

function [ SE_good_cut ] = GetSECuts( d, s1_single_cut, s2_single_cut)

%Pulse classification cut

%Cut to remove S1 tails that improperly classified as SE
d = se_wrt_first_s1_func(d);
cut_se_s1_z = d.t_btw_se_first_s1 > 100*10; %Cut is based on timing after S1

%Final cut must be between the Kr S1 and S2, and meet the cuts above
SE_good_cut =logical( cut_se_s1_z & s4_class & ( cumsum(s1_single_cut)-cumsum(s2_single_cut) ) );



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