The Icecat Connector gives the capability to enrich Akeneo PIM product data with the rich Icecat Catalog. It can be used with both Open Icecat free catalog or Full Icecat paid catalog.
IcecatConnectorBundle | Akeneo PIM Community Edition |
1.1.* | v1.7.* |
1.0.* | v1.6.* |
The Akeneo PIM instance must be connected to the internet to be able to reach the Icecat XML web API.
This extension allows to enrich an already existing catalog with Icecat catalog data. It does not import any structural content like categories or families. This way you keep control of your catalog structuration and are not tied to Icecat taxonomy.
To enrich your product with Icecat content, you will also needs to have a unique attribute containing the product EAN. This attribute will be used to match Icecat product via their web API.
Existing Akeneo PIM attributes must also be mapped to Icecat features with a CSV file containing two main columns: the Akeneo attribute code and the corresponding Icecat feature ID. An import profile is provided by the extension to help in this mapping step.
Once this mapping is done, the products data will be fetched with a cron task using Icecat XML web API.
Important: This extension does not rely on Icecat taxonomy, and so there is no requirement or limitation on the Akeneo catalog structure. On the other hand, it is not possible to initialize an empty Akeneo PIM with this extension.
The connector provides a configuration screen to set some important informations:
- Icecat product EAN: the product attribute containing the Icecat product EAN. This attribute must be unique.
- Description, Short Description, Summary Description, Short Summary Description: these are common data in the Icecat XML payload and they can be mapped to any Akeneo PIM text attribute.
There are 3 differents imports profiles in this extension:
: a profile to download all Icecat features and prepare the attributes mapping CSV file.icecat_import_features_mapping
: to upload the final attributes mapping CSV file.icecat_enrich_products
: this profile is used by a CRON task to enrich product content.
First, you must require the connector dependencies:
composer config repositories.icecat '{"type": "vcs", "url": "ssh://[email protected]:443/IcecatConnector", "branch": "master"}'
composer require akeneo/icecat-connector 1.1.*
In app/config/routing.yml
resource: "@PimIcecatConnectorBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /icecat
The Icecat connector uses a new attribute type to store pictures url collection. You must then activate the dependencies bundles and add a custom one to override the original ProductValue class:
In app/AppKernel.php
protected function registerProjectBundles()
return [
new \Pim\Bundle\ExtendedAttributeTypeBundle\PimExtendedAttributeTypeBundle(),
new \Pim\Bundle\ExtendedMeasureBundle\PimExtendedMeasureBundle(),
new \Pim\Bundle\IcecatConnectorBundle\PimIcecatConnectorBundle(),
new \MyCompany\Bundle\MyBundle\MyPimBundle(), // Your custom bundle with overriden ProductValue
More explanation about the ProductValue override can be found in Akeneo documentation:
Do not forget to update the mapping for your brand new product value in app/config/config.yml
original: PimEnterprise\Component\Catalog\Model\ProductValue
override: Pim\Bundle\ExtendedCeBundle\Model\ProductValue
This connector is shipped with complete example bundle, especially to override the ProductValue model. This is needed to use the new TextCollection attribute type.
The easiest way to enable it is to use a symbolic link:
cd src
ln -s ../vendor/akeneo/extended-attribute-type/doc/example/Pim Pim
After that, you will be able to use the example bundles in app/AppKernel.php
protected function registerProjectBundles()
return [
new \Pim\Bundle\ExtendedAttributeTypeBundle\PimExtendedAttributeTypeBundle(),
new \Pim\Bundle\ExtendedMeasureBundle\PimExtendedMeasureBundle(),
new \Pim\Bundle\IcecatConnectorBundle\PimIcecatConnectorBundle(),
new \Pim\Bundle\ExtendedCeBundle\ExtendedCeBundle(), // example CE bundle to activate the extended attributes
//new \Pim\Bundle\ExtendedEeBundle\ExtendedEeBundle(), // example EE bundle to activate the extended attributes
The ExtendedAttributeTypeBundle need to add some tables from the ProductValue override and you must update the Doctrine schema.
One way to this is using the command app/console doctrine:schema:update
You will habe to specify an option for this command:
will show you the changes without applying them. -
will apply the changes.
You may also need need to adjust some internal parameters if you want to use another locale.
You can do it in the standard app/config/parameters.yml
for a Symfony2 application.
pim_icecat_connector.endpoint.product.ean: 'ean_upc=%%s;lang=en;output=productxml'
. This parameter set the product data endpoint and you should change it if you need to have the data in another locale. You could for example useean_upc=%%s;lang=de;output=productxml
to get the german data. -
pim_icecat_connector.fallback_locale: 'en_US'
. This parameter set the targeted locale in Akeneo. Chances are that if you change the Icecat endpoint, you may alos change this parameter withde_DE
. -
pim_icecat_connector.fallback_channel: 'ecommerce'
. The default target channel in Akeneo, but you can change it to enrich another channel.
This extension provides examples fixtures for attributes and family. They are meant to be used in conjonction with the PimInstallerBundle:icecat_demo_dev.
Once your application is installed with the icecat_demo_dev
data, you can load these attributes and family with the
shipped import profiles attributes_csv_import
and family_csv_import
Configure the Icecat credentials and special attributes in the PIM configuration screen.
This is a big setup step. The operation consists in mapping Akeneo attributes on Icecat features. This can be splitted in three steps:
- download the full Icecat features CSV file. It provides an empty CSV file ready for the mapping.
- map needed features ID with Akeneo attributes codes in the CSV file. This step can be very long if you have many attributes to map.
- upload the CSV mapping.
You will find more documentation on mapping in the docs folder.
The extension provides an icecat_enrich_products
job that can be used manually or in a cron task via a dedicated import profile.
This import profile will chack all products with an Icecat EAN attribute and call the Icecat API to get the data.