Arado Oy
- Heinävesi, Finland
- http://www.linkedin.com/in/marnokulmala
cvbank Public
Curriculum Vitae bank based on FRESH resume template
odin-raylib-web Public
Forked from karl-zylinski/odin-raylib-webMake games using Odin + Raylib that work in the browser
Odin MIT License UpdatedFeb 1, 2025 -
upload-scheduler Public
Quarkus proto for scheduling a file upload and then using an endpoint to download it
Java UpdatedJan 10, 2023 -
go-tensorflow-image-recognition Public
Forked from tinrab/go-tensorflow-image-recognitionImage Recognition API in Go using TensorFlow
Go MIT License UpdatedOct 17, 2017 -
java_crypto Public
Forked from 1MansiS/java_cryptoComplimenting code to Java Crypto Blog series, at https://www.veracode.com/blog/research/how-get-started-using-java-cryptography-securely
Java UpdatedSep 8, 2017 -
StubbornJava Public
Forked from StubbornJava/StubbornJavaUnconventional Java code for building web servers / services without a framework. Think dropwizard but as a seed project instead of a framework. If this project had a theme it would be break the ru…
Java MIT License UpdatedSep 7, 2017 -
Image-Recognition-with-Spark-and-DL4J Public
Forked from omerwase/Image-Recognition-with-Spark-and-DL4JDistributed Image recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks using Spark and Deeplearning4J
Java UpdatedJul 13, 2017 -
Parkbnb Public
Forked from kkong006/Parkbnb1st Prize Project at Cutie Hack 2017 - Android application for renting out your garage and driveway.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 22, 2017 -
spring-kotlin-react-demo Public
Forked from winterbe/spring-kotlin-react-demoDemo Webapp using SpringBoot, Kotlin and React.js
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 23, 2016 -
asciimg Public
Forked from korhner/asciimgAn ascii image generator written in Java.
Java MIT License UpdatedJun 22, 2016 -
Swa-app Public
Forked from survivingwithandroid/Swa-appThis repo contains app source code created in Surviving with Android blog
Java UpdatedAug 28, 2015