Licensed under the MIT License. See file LICENSE.
Robot Framework example for test library implemented in Rust. Example includes code written in Robot Framework, Python and Rust.
This example can be run as follows.
Create virtual environment with python -m venv .venv
Activate virtual environment with source .venv/bin/activate
for Linux bash. Or with .venv\Scripts\activate.bat
for Windows command line.
Restore packages with pip install -r requirements.txt
Check installation with robot --version
Build Rust library with maturin develop
. Note: PyO3 uses maturin, a tool for building and publishing Rust-based Python packages.
Run test with Rust keywords using robot --outputdir ./log ./rust_tests/rust_keywords.robot
For more information on extending Robot Framework with test libraries written in Python, see chapter Creating test libraries in the user guide.
- Robot Framework
- Rust
- PyO3 - Rust bindings for Python, including tools for creating native Python extension modules
- Add unit tests
- Evaluate default argument values
- Evaluate keyword with dictionary argument
- Create hello world example