You have decided that you would like to make your own digital version of 5 card poker.
After a lot of thought, you have decided to do this by simulating a deck of standard playing cards. Your deck of cards consist of a group of card objects, with each card having a ranking (Ace - King) and a suite (Diamonds, hearts, clubs and spades)
You should be able to construct a hand, which can contain any number of cards, less than 52. With a hand of 5 cards, you should be able to retrieve a hand rank and also be able to compare two hands of 5 cards using comparators. Details for the hand rankings can be found here:
Thankfully, a lot of the groundwork has been completed by someone before you and only a few functions require completion. These functions are:
- The hand comparison and describe functions in
) - The deck picking function:
Provide a solution to this problem function which satisfies all the test cases provided and any new tests you add. Note that your solution will be evaluated against a more exhaustive list of tests, so think about missing test coverage and add tests you think are necessary.
Once you've completed Part 1 of the project, you decide that you'd like to see the best single 5-card hand you can create out of N-cards (limited by the deck size of 52). Add this alternative option into the project with appropriate tests.
- Python 3
Run: python3 -m unittest discover tests -p '*'
When all the tests pass and you are happy with the state of the code, return the code to SprintHive.
- If you find a bug or design issue with the existing code, fix it or change it as required and document this change.
- State any assumptions you make