Docker php >= 8.2 php fpm
In the backend folder run
docker compose up -d
The database credentials are in the *.env file In the backend folder, open the terminal and run:
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
To populate the database with data run the sql file located under backend/resources/timelog.sql
We are using Symfony local web server for dev purposes. In the backend folder run:
symfony server:start
We set a constraint to limit the difference between start and end date in a log entry to less than 24 hours. This of course makes sense since it's not possible to work continuously for 24 hours, and it will simplify our log managements and the processing of the statistics
We created a single page app used Vuetify UI library on top of vuejs.
In the frontend folder, open the terminal and run:
npm ci
npm run dev
This will install the dependencies and start dev server.
The app is composed of 2 main view: the default home view with the tracking buttons, and the admin area where the user can create, delete and edit time logs. This admin area is found under http://localhost:5173/admin