I've been programming full time since 2020, my previous experience covers mechanical engineering and finance including operation excellence, project management, consulting hence many foundations related to computer science has been formally taught and since 2020 have completed several projects successfully with engaged clients. Further details in Linkedin as pointed below. In between projects, i code full time to expand my repertoire.
- 🌍 I'm based in Ubud, Bali
- 🖥️ See my Portfolio Here
- 🖥️ See a Project Here
- ✉️ You can contact me at email
- 🚀 I'm currently working on Rust Lang, this changes over time as i undertake new projects.
- 🧠 I'm learning Rust Programming Language
- 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on I'm open to collaborating on Web Developnent, Social Enterprise, E-Commerce
- ⚡ I do running, cycling, swimming, yoga, diving, photography, coffee brewing among many other things.
My GitHub Stats
- Rust Programming Language
- C++ Programming Language
- Go Programming Language
- Integrate Spring Boot and MongoDB
Java Practice
- Java Foundation and Intermediate scripts practice
Java Spring Boot Web App 2
- Webpage with Java Springboot back end
Java Login
- Login Auth on Java
- Java app deployed on AWS
- Spring Maven Java App Boilerplate
Dart Language
- Dart syntax fimilarization
- C#, Java, Solidity project tsrater template
- A typescript feature language on top of JS
Smart Contract- Storage System
- Blockchain Storage System written in Solidity
Smart Contract- Bank Protocol
- Blockchain Smart Contract Baking Solution written in Solidity
Smart Contract- Lottery
- Blockchain Smart Contract Lottery Solution written in Solidity
Smart Contract- Get Funding
- Blockchain Smart Contract Etheruem Protocol Funding Solution written in Solidity
CS Deploy ISS App
- C# App with IIS server
CS Authn
- Login and Authentication App
CS Bank Acct
- A bank protocol console App
CS Blazor Razor NVC CRUS
- A three tech .NET solution in one App
CS Blazor Page
- Blazor based Website
CS Class
- Language foundation syntax practice
CS Publish
- C# App test production publish on Windows and Mac
CS Voice Synth
- A voice syntersizer with input capability
CS Sudoku
- Sudoku App on CSharp
- dotNET WPF App
CS Telegram Bot
- A Telegram Bot App
- A Machine learning using neural network C# solution
CS Calendar Windows
- A calendar App
CD Practices
- Design Patterns
- Data Sttructures and Algorithms
Python Django
- Python Django Project Boilerplate
Python Env
- Python use of Env variable for security
Python Fundamentals
- Intermediate Python program scripts
Python Flask
- Python web app on Flask
Code cs50
- Python script and exercises based on Harvard cs50
Netlify Aliens
- A classic alien game using Python
Python Practice
- Practicing python script
Auto Keyboard with Python
- Pythonscript of keyboard stroke manipulation and tracking
Heroku-Sample API Creating an API connection and load to Heroku as serverless service provider
- On another project a build script is loaded manually
App-Create-NewApp Creating a boilerplate to spin up new NodeJS App
A Web Scaper Using Javascipt At a another a repository a web scraper is built using Python# App Node
App Node JS Webpage
- Boilerplate for a Webpage with Javascipt and nodeJS
App Server Express
- A boilerplate to spin up an express server, in later app its integrated into a full stack MERN ap
App Serverless Function
- A boilerplater to spin a up a serverless service with Netlify as alternate to Vercel or Heroku etc.
App Game WordBeater
- A sample app of using inputs, timing functions, loops
Face Detection App with Javascript
- Using a Yarn package & Using hardware usage calls & Using a librabry to detect face presence
App Testing Javascipt
- Familiarity with creating code test with Javascipt
App Login Node
- A log in program using Node
App User Authentication
- A program to identify user authentication through login
Heroku Start
- React startup template and placed on Heroku
Netlify React Pwa Weather
- A single page web app and APi call app to detect currenbt weather based on any selected location
App Webrtc Video
- Using webrtc to create a Video App
App Faceai Tensor
- Using Tensorflow to detect presence of face
Heroku Stripe Checkout
- Stripe payment gateway checkout on a Website
React Budget App on Netlify
- CRUD operation sample app
App Mongoose
- Website linking Mongodb using Mongoose
App Postman
- Web app testing API using Postman
3- Javascript Repository
- Javascript programming language foundation and vanilla program usage testing
5- Basicapps
- Various apps using vanilla Javascript
3- Javascript Repository
- Javascript programming language foundation and vanilla program usage testing
1- Languages
- Language scripts for usage – C++, C#, Java, Python, bash, SQL
- HTML and CSS foundational to intermediate projects
8- Cart Review
- A Website with shopping cart and payment gateway
4- Data and Algorithm
- Scripts on Arrays, Data Structures, Sorting Algorithm, Design Patterns & OOP features Inheritance, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism
7- Frameworks
- Testing and usage of various Javascript frameworks – Next, React, Vue, Bootstrap & Docker
Netlify Software House
- A personal website to marker software services
JS appSearchBar
- An App Search Web Site showcasing CRUD
- Data presentation manipulation
JS Color Predictor
- A Nueral network color predictor app
Project eSchool
- Template of an ESchool with flow of self learning concept using EJS
JS Mern Crud Diary
- CRUD operation build using EJS
JS Chat Video
- Chat video app
JS Streaming
- A live streaming web app
JS Blogsite
- Blogsite with Javascript and Markdown
JS Gif Player JS Vanilla Gif Player Site for Embedding
- A portfolio site of several usable apps
JS Intropage
- Simple HTML only starter boilerplate
- CSS Practice
JS Redux
- A Redux implementation