In this repository, we present an implementation of orthogonal coupling dynamics to solve the optimal transport problem. This git repository has been used to produce results in the following paper:
Mohsen Sadr, Peyman Mohajerin Esfehani, Hossein Gorji. "Optimal Transportation by Orthogonal Coupling Dynamics." 2024, preprint at arXiv:2410.08060.
Here, we provide the most accessible (and not fastest) implementation of the OCD in NumPy. Simply, first import the library via
import sys
import os
src_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '[path/to/src]'))
from OCD import *
Given samples of two marginals X, Y, you can find the optimal pairing by first finding the optimal regularization parameter
eps0 = find_opt_eps2(X, Y, log_eps_range=[-3,0], nepss = 400, perc=0.9998)
print("epsilon = ", eps0)
dt = 0.1
Nt = 200
tol = 1e-6
X_ocd, Y_ocd, dists, err_m2X, err_m2Y = ocd_map_RK4(X, Y, dt=dt, Nt=200, sigma=eps0, tol=tol)
For examples of how this implementation can be used, see the Jupyter Notebooks in examples/