- Meeting Information
- Members
- New Members
- Governance
- Communication
- Meetings
- Specification
- Proof of Concept
Today’s CI/CD systems do not talk to each other in a standardized way. This leads to problems related to interoperability, notification of failure issues, and poor automation.
This group is looking at how events can help to create CI/CD systems with a decoupled architecture that is easy to scale and makes it resilient to failures. Using events could also increase automation when connecting workflows from different systems to each other, and as a result empowering tracing/visualizing/auditing of the connected workflows through these events.
The group will focus on the use of events to provide interoperability through topics like:
- When are events suited? For triggers, audits, monitoring, management
- Common guidelines for at-least-once, at-most-once, exactly once, ordering… When to apply what strategy?
- Best practices for event-driven CI/CD systems
- Events to be used by tools for orchestration/workflows
- Pipeline to pipeline communication via events
- Tracing/auditing/graphing/visualizing of the entire process, e.g., through events. What truly occurs?
- Metrics, e.g., how many versions have been deployed, how many PRs (Pull Requests) have been raised, how many events have been issued?
- How are events related and how are they ordered (links vs trace context)?
The group is working on a standardized event protocol that caters for technology agnostic machine-to-machine communication in CI/CD systems. This specification will be published, reviewed and agreed upon between relevant Linux Foundation projects/members. This work can be followed through the CDEvents website.
The group aims to provide reference implementations such as event listeners and event senders on top of CloudEvents. These implementations are / will be published under the CDEvents GitHub organization.
The group also produces blog posts, whitepapers and presentations published within the CD Foundation.
This is group started as a work-stream within the CDF SIG Interoperability. The forming of the workstream was suggested on a SIG Interoperability meeting and its first meeting was held on June 8th 2020. The SIG was formed in February 2021.
We currently stick with the definition used by CloudEvents: An event is a data record expressing an occurrence and its context, where occurrence is the capture of a statement of fact during the operation of a software system.
Current members:
- Ravi Lachhman, @ravilach, Harness
- Andreas Grimmer, @agrimmer, Dynatrace
- Emil Bäckmark, @e-backmark-ericsson, Ericsson
- Ramin Akhbari, (@rakhbari), eBay
- Mattias Linnér, @m-linner-ericsson, Ericsson
- Andrea Frittoli, @afrittoli, IBM
- Mauricio Salatino @salaboy, VMware Knative Project
- Steve Taylor @sbtaylor15, DeployHub / Ortelius OS
- Tracy Ragan @tracyragan, DeployHub / Ortelius OS
- Brad McCoy @bradmccooydev, Ortelius OS
- Erik Sternerson @erkist, doWhile
- Cameron Motevasselani (@link108), Armory
- Alois Reitbauer (@aloisreitbauer), Dynatrace
- Fredrik Fristedt @fredjn, Axis Communications
- Oleg Nenashev @oleg-nenashev, Dynatrace/Jenkins/Keptn
- Kara de la Marck @MarckK, Continuous Delivery Foundation
- Kevin Chu @kbychu, GitLab
- Vibhav Bobade @waveywaves, Independent
- Matheus Paes @MatheusPaes, PicPay
- Ishan Khare @ishankhare07, Loft Labs
- Brett Smith (@xbcsmith), SAS Institute Inc.
- Moteesh Reddy @moteesh-in2tive, Ozone
- Marcus Philip @marcusphi, Avanza
Membership to this SIG is open to public and self-declared.
New members are advised to:
- Join the SIG and CDF TOC mailing lists.
- Join the CDF Slack and jump into the #sig-events channel and introduce yourself.
- Go through the README.md document.
- Regularly join the SIG meetings.
- Submit a PR to add yourself to the members list.
- Here are various ways to get involved:
- Share your thoughts by joining the meetings, posting to the mailing list, discussions forum or Slack channel.
- Add a topic you would like to discuss to the agenda of upcoming meeting.
- Create a new issue or start a discussion to start gathering feedback and collaborating.
- Choose an issue where help is needed and comment on it expressing interest.
- Mailing list: lists.cd.foundation/g/sig-events.
- GitHub Discussions: cdfoundation/sig-events/discussions.
- Slack: #sig-events slack channel on the CDF slack.
SIG Events is a CDF Special Interest Group.
The process SIG Events follows can be seen from here.
Chairs and the TOC Sponsor of the SIG are
- Emil Bäckmark (@e-backmark-ericsson), Ericsson - Co-Chair
- Andrea Frittoli (@afrittoli), IBM - Co-chair
- Isaac Mosquera (@imosquera), Armory - TOC Sponsor
SIG Events meets bi-weekly on Mondays at 3pm UTC in the summer time and at 4pm UTC in winter time. (See your timezone here).