- Ljubljana
A CircuitPython helper for encoding/decoding MIDI packets over a MIDI or UART connection
Plugin to generate BOM + CPL files for JLCPCB, assigning LCSC part numbers directly from the plugin, query the JLCPCB parts database, lookup datasheets and much more.
nanobind: tiny and efficient C++/Python bindings
The new Windows Terminal and the original Windows console host, all in the same place!
MetaPost library initially written to automate some elements of black and white illustrations for a physics textbook
Py2/py3 script that can download macOS components direct from Apple
MagPy (or GeomagPy) is a Python package for analysing and displaying geomagnetic data.
Exercises to learn how to fuzz with American Fuzzy Lop
SharpKeys is a utility that manages a Registry key that allows Windows to remap one key to any other key.
Unofficial mirror of gnuplot's git repository. Please don't open pull requests here, go to https://sourceforge.net/p/gnuplot/gnuplot-main/merge-requests/ instead.
Steps and code for building an Arduino-powered MIDI accordion
Sound analysis/synthesis tools for music applications
Provides a USBTMC driver for controlling instruments over USB
Provides a VXI-11 driver for controlling instruments over Ethernet
cloned from git://xetex.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/xetex/xetex
An initial attempt to reverse-engineer drivers for Picoscope series 6000 (for Mac or linux)
mojca / homebrew
Forked from Homebrew/legacy-homebrewThe missing package manager for OS X.
TextMate support for Postscript
mojca / poedit
Forked from vslavik/poeditCross-platform gettext translations editor.
mojca / macports.tmbundle
Forked from textmate/macports.tmbundleTextMate support for MacPorts
mojca / gnuplot
Forked from gnuplot/gnuplot-oldSecond attempt of better import of gnuplot repository
mojca / aquaterm_aquaterm
Forked from gnuplot/aquaterm_aquatermAquaTerm