I'm herer to take a note about my learning experience
So this is my Personal Statement and also My Resume
I'm a undergraduate from HeBei university in 2018.I fell in love with the front end field about three years ago.And I've kept learning about it.I think front end is a very interesting area.In this area,you can combine performance with function at browser platforms.It attracts me a lot.
But as a beginer about three years ago,it was not easy for me to enter this field.At that time,there was no one who can te11me how I can start to learn it,and what worse is that,I have no former experience of learning programing.Hopefu lly,I have printed one book about C programing,and it was myfirst step entering programing field.with my big interest,I read the book day and night.And as a result,I passed the Second level of National Computer Rank Examination Band in C programing and make a base for me to learn more.At begin,I mainly learn about HTML tags from the W3C website.The way I learnwas direct and du 11,I just copy those tags with there usage and styles.But the effect was notable,Imemorized them in a short time.Then I started to learn about CSS.I chosed to learn it with some realexercises.Not long,I memorized many main styles that are used frequent.So with my experience that enering the field,I believe that I have the ability and interest to learn and make progress in the frontend field.
"Actual work is a very important way to learn,that's what I was thinking about that time.I was 1earning JavaScript and was trying to write more animation functions(I've uploaded some of my primary WOrk on Gi thub) when I fortunatly got a plural istic work.I realized that I have to grasp the chance.Soafter some days' preparation,I was chosen to work in that company called KaiSiMei Network Technology company and worked as engineering director assistant who is responsib le for the front end pages.I haveto say,I've learnd a lot during that time.I touched Node.js ,Bootstrap and some other front end framings for the first time,and gradually learned how to work.
I hope my great enthusiasm and learning ability in front end can make up for the shortage of my professional.At least,you can give me a chance to prove myself.
Although I was wrong when I chose my majority, I believe I can catch up with others in a short time, and I'm also trying hard to be a graduate in computer field. Hope I can change my way in the near future.