Mone_numpad is a handwired numpad with a volume dial that runs a custom VIAL/QMK firware. It can control the machine's input and output volume.
- the electronic design and schematic
- The STL for the case
- The custom VIAL/QMK firmware
- A Windows desktop notification icon software that can help the numpad to control the followings:
- default audio output volume control
- default audio input volume control
- volumne control for active applications with audio channels
It contains the json file for keyboard-layout_editor
Mone_numpad's Wiring schematics
Modified docukboard STL for mone_numpad
vial layout files
A modified forted version of vial-qmk. It added supports for
- Mac Fn key
- Custom command prefix for mone_numpad
- intercepting vial_encoder_update()
The firware code for mone_numpad.
for build steps.
Code for the desktop companion app for mone_numpad
- NotificationIcon is the Win32 desktop companion app for mone_numpad.
- It provides the following functionalities:
- displays as an notification icon on the taskbar.
- provides volumn channel info to monenumpad:
- default output
- default input
- active applications tha has volume channels
- A modified Swift sample app to help test monenumpad's customized vial/qmk firmware on Mac.
A cutomized fork of hidapi (an open source project) with the following changes.
1 byte packing C struct.
- At one point, I was writing C# and Swift clients. Changing the byte packing to 1 byte made it easier to marshel the C structure data to/from C# and Swift.
added support to send notifications when a HID device is connected/disconnected.
typedef struct on_added_device_callback_entry { void (*on_added_device)(struct hid_device_info*, void* user_data); void* user_data; } on_added_device_callback_entry; struct hid_device_info HID_API_EXPORT * HID_API_CALL hid_enumerate_ex( unsigned short vendor_id, unsigned short product_id, unsigned short usage_page, unsigned short usage, on_added_device_callback_entry on_added_device_callback); void HID_API_EXPORT HID_API_CALL hid_stop_enumerate_on_added_device_callback(); typedef struct on_disconnected_callback_entry { void* user_data; void (*on_disconnected)(hid_device*, void* user_data); } on_disconnected_callback_entry; int HID_API_EXPORT hid_register_disconnected_callback(hid_device *dev, on_disconnected_callback_entry on_disconnected); void HID_API_EXPORT hid_unregister_disconnected_callback(hid_device *dev); int HID_API_EXPORT_CALL hid_get_max_report_length(hid_device *dev);
added support to send notifications when an input record is read from a HID device.
typedef struct on_read_callback_entry { void* user_data; void (*on_read)(hid_device*, unsigned char*, size_t, void* user_data); void (*on_read_failure)(hid_device*, const wchar_t* pszMessage, void* user_data); } on_read_callback_entry; int HID_API_EXPORT HID_API_CALL hid_register_read_callback(hid_device *dev, on_read_callback_entry on_read); void HID_API_EXPORT HID_API_CALL hid_unregister_read_callback(hid_device *dev);
- the xcodeproj for
to helpe edit and build on Mac
The original C# POC test client app before I switched to develop NotificationIcon
My original plan was to create a C# desktop app to talk to monenum_pad via hidapi. I got the marshalling code working. However C# WinForm (or any C# Windows client framework) does not have easy support to add an icon to the taskbar's notification area. The easiest way is still Win32. So I created NotificationIcon
instead and abandoned this project.