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Starred repositories
Simple conversion and localization between simplified and traditional Chinese using tables from MediaWiki.
JavaScript API for face detection and face recognition in the browser and nodejs with tensorflow.js
No longer maintained, see pinned issues
使用autojs写的android app签到脚本。【今日校园、飞猪、京东、简书、口袋梦三国、哔哩哔哩、支付宝、淘宝、QQ 音乐、饿了么、拼多多、美团、百度地图、百度文库、百度贴吧、百度网盘、起点读书、网易云音乐、大众点评、腾讯 wifi 管家、全民 K 歌、梨涡、CSDN、一淘、e 福州、有道云笔记、时光相册、小米游戏中心、小米视频、央视频、蔚来、WPS Office、小黑盒、UC 浏览器…
StreamSaver writes stream to the filesystem directly asynchronous
Code examples that accompany various MDN DOM and Web API documentation pages
Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites
Qiniu Resource (Cloud) Storage SDK for Node.js
A fluent API to FFMPEG (http://www.ffmpeg.org)
The fastest and smallest JavaScript polygon triangulation library for your WebGL apps
A BVH implementation to speed up raycasting and enable spatial queries against three.js meshes.
🎉 performant confetti animation in the browser
Lightweight controller library for JavaScript.
This repository contains articles and sample code for my column course "Learn Three.js with Me" beginner's edition. Currently, there are two versions of the articles in Chinese and English. More pe…
Git with a cup of tea! Painless self-hosted all-in-one software development service, including Git hosting, code review, team collaboration, package registry and CI/CD
🔮 A lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues
A comment system powered by GitHub Discussions. 💬 💎
A command line tool that recreates the famous data decryption effect seen in the 1992 movie Sneakers.
A polyfill for IntersectionObserver
The <Repl> component used on the Svelte website