Monil Shah(mds747),
Aalap Parikh(adp459),
Aakar Jinwala(adj329),
Jayesh Patil(jpp421)
This Web App aims at creating an e-commerce platform for the customers to purchase liquor bottles at discounted rates and liquidate pegs from it to the bars of their choice . The choice of bar is provided on the basis of the amount paid by the customers , which is tier selection mentioned in the app. The QRCode is generated every time the user redeems a peg from the bottle and the same quantity is deducted from his actual bottle quantity. This QRCode can be generated until the bottle gets empty. The Web App also has a fun chat bot , which assists customers to find nearest bars or to know the amount of drinks they have had in a day. Spoiler Alert! , the chat bot also advices users on how to act if they have exceed daily intake of alcohol.
This Web App is built using *create-React-App*. This react application uses all the front-end UI inspired from the Material-ui. This Web App is compitable with multiple resolution. The backend is deployed on the AWS. The more information about stack is mentioned below.
1. ReactJS2. Python
3. NoSQl
4. AWS
5. AWS-amplify
6. AWS-amplify-react
1. AWS-Mobile-Hub
2. AWS-Cognito
3. API Gateway
4. AWS Lambda
5. DynamoDB
6. AWS Lex Bot
7. AWS Cloud Logic
8. AWS Analytics metrics