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The fourth project for the CodeInstitute course.

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Stumblr is a website created to allow users to share and reblog posts, organise them into collections and follow each other to receive updates when users they are interested in post.

The main objective of the site is to allow users to interact on the platform through microblogging. This is achieved by providing a platform for publishing rich text posts, which can be searched, reblogged to be used as a basis for another post, and organised into collections.

Visit the deployed website here.

Table of Contents

User Experience (UX)


Project Goals

  • The website contains a slightly modified bootstrap theme that does not distract from the content and should be relatively familiar to most users

  • Responsive design to make the website accessible on different screen sizes.

  • Easy to navigate and interact with, with minimal need for page reloads to take actions

  • Users are able to create an account in order to interact with the content.

  • Logged-in users can post, create collections, add posts to the collections, etc.

User Goals

  • As a Site Admin, I want to manage the site content.

  • As a Site User, I want the information to be easy to find and read.

  • As a Site User, I want to be able to create an account.

  • As a Site User, I can create new posts and collections.

  • As a Site User, I want to manage the content I created.

Strategy Table

Feature Importance Difficulty
Responsive design 5 1
Account registration 5 1
Create, edit and delete posts 5 2
Create, edit and delete collections 5 2
Follow users 4 2
Reblog posts 4 3
Add collection image 4 3
Infinite scroll 3 2
Search for content 4 4
Add profile picture 3 3
Social media signup 2 4
Total 44 27


Since the features listed above have too high a difficulty score to be completed at once, I have divided them into three phases planned to approximately correspond to the three weeks set aside for the project. In each phase after the first, any feature that could not be completed would either be axed entirely or moved to the next phase at the expense of another feature with equal or higher estimated difficulty.

Due to time constraints and personal issues, I was only able to put in two weeks and all of the planned features in the Third Phase had to be axed.

First Phase (Importance: 20, Difficulty: 6)

  • Responsive design (completed Week 1)
  • Account registration (completed Week 1)
  • Create, edit and delete posts (completed Week 1)
  • Create, edit and delete collections (completed Week 1)

Second Phase (Importance: 15, Difficulty: 10)

  • Follow users (completed Week 2)
  • Reblog posts (axed)
  • Add collection image (axed)
  • Infinite scroll (completed Week 2)

Third Phase (Importance: 9, Difficulty: 11)

  • Search for content (axed)
  • Add profile picture (axed)
  • Social media signup (axed)

User Stories

GitHub projects was used as my project management tool to track user stories. I also tracked bugs that I was not able to resolve straight away.

Week 1 User Stories Progress - Week 1

Week 2 User Stories Progress - Week 2


  • Header, footer and navigation bar are consistent on all pages.

  • The opportunity to add additional content to the website is provided for the site user once they register an account via a floating action menu as well as contextual buttons.

  • A 404-error page is available.

Database Model

The database model has been designed using mermaid. The type of database being used for the is relational database being managed using PostgreSQL.

Due to time constraints, some aspects of the model were simplified in the final project.

    POST }o--|| USER : author
    POST |o--|| POST : reblog
    POST {
        text(10000)  body
        int         author      FK
        int         reblog      FK
        DateTime    time
    FOLLOWER ||--|o USER: followed
    FOLLOWER ||--|o USER: follows
        int         followed    FK
        int         follows     FK
    COLLECTION }o--o{ COLLECTION_POST: collection
    POST }o--o{ COLLECTION_POST: post
        char(200)   name
        text(10000) description

        int         collection  FK
        int         post        FK

User Model

The User model is taken from the default Django model used for users.

Follower Model

  • followed: The User being followed stored as a foreign key.

  • follows: The User following the followed stored as a foreign key.

Post Model

  • text: The text of the post. Max 10000 characters.

  • author: The user that authored the post stored as a foreign key.

  • reblog: A self-referencing foreign key used for reblogging posts.

  • time: The time when the post was posted.

Collection_Post Model

This model is obscured by how Django deals with many-to-many relationships. There is an intermediary model in the background that allows multiple posts to be associated with multiple collections.

  • post: The post associated with a given collection.

  • collection: The Collection associated with a given post.

Collection Model

  • name: The name of the collection.

  • description: The description of the collection.



Balsamiq has been used to create the mockups for the website.

Page Desktop Version Mobile Version
Index / User Logged Out Desktop index mockup Mobile index mockup
Log In Desktop log in mockup Mobile log in mockup
Log In Email Recognized Desktop log in email recognized mockup Mobile log in email recognized mockup
Collections Overview Desktop collections overview mockup Mobile collections overview mockup
Single Collection Desktop single collection mockup Mobile single collection mockup
User Profile Desktop user profile mockup Mobile user profile mockup


Color Scheme

Coolors color scheme

The default Boostrap color scheme was used for the most part. Bootstrap was recompiled with a different underlying colorscheme though, to achieve the slightly darker and less pastel blue used for the site. The base color was Lapis Lazuli (#065D93) generated using Coolors and chosen to fit well with approximations of other values in the Bootstrap theme.


The default Bootstrap fonts were used.

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All Pages

  • Navbar at the top

    • Link to the index page with posts
    • Link to the collections page
    • Button to switch between light and dark theme
    • Log Out button displayed if user is logged in, leads the user to sign out form Navbar with the Log Out button
    • Sign In button displayed if user is not logged in, leads the user to sign in form Navbar with the Sign In button
    • Nav menu collapses into hamburger menu on smaller breakpoints Navbar with collapsed menu Navbar with expanded menu
  • Action Menu

    • Displayed only when user is logged in
    • Hovers in fixed position in the lower right corner of the screen Action menu collapsed
    • Hovering over it reveals actions available on all pages (Create Post or Go to Profile) Action menu expanded
    • Clicking on Create Post opens a modal with the create post form Create Post Form in modal
    • Once the user submits the form, the post is created: If the user is on a page containing a post list, the post is added, if not, a link to the main page where the post can be seen is shown in a toast Toast with link to homepage
  • Errors and Info

    • Error messages and info about action taken appear in toasts in the lower left corner Info toast example

Post Lists

  • Post lists are displayed on the index page, on the individual collection page and on the user page
  • The features are identical on all these pages

Other People's Posts

  • If the user is not logged in, they only see the post with the text, date, and link to the user who authored it Post without any action buttons
  • If the user is logged in, they also see a button allowing them to add the post to a collection they created Post with add to collection action button
  • If the user clicks on the button, a list of the collections they created is displayed Add to Collection menu
  • If the user selects a collection, the post is added to the collection once they click away to close the menu
  • If the user clicks on the pen icon next to a collection, the name is replaced with an input element, where they can enter the collection's new name and, after they press enter, the name is updated in the list and the backend Edit Collection Name element in the menu
  • If the user clicks on the plus at the bottom, they can add another collection straight from the menu Create Collection element in the menu

Own Posts

  • The user's own posts have all the same features as other people's posts, plus the option to edit or delete
  • The user sees additional two buttons in the upper right corner of posts they authored Post with delete and edit buttons
  • Clicking on the edit button opens the create post form in the modal with the prepopulated post text
  • Submitting the form changes the text of the post
  • Clicking on the delete button populates the modal with the delete form, showing the post to be deleted Modal with delete post form
  • Clicking on Delete in the modal removes the post and shows a success message in the lower left corner
  • The post list support infinite scroll: 16 posts are loaded initially and if the user scrolls beyond the loaded posts and there are additional posts to display, they are added to the page dynamically

Collection List

  • The collection list displays a list of collections
  • Each collection also functions as a link to the individual collection page Collection card from list without delete action
  • If the user is logged in and author of the collection, they also see the option to delete it Collection card from list with delete action
  • Clicking on delete displays the modal asking the user to confirm the deletion, if they do, the collection is deleted Modal with delete collection prompt
  • Collection lists also support infinite scroll

Single Collection

  • The collection title and info is displayed, as well as all the posts added to the collection
  • All the actions can be done upon the posts same as in any other post list

User Profile

  • The posts and collections created by the user are listed
  • The top card also includes a list of followers and users the user whose profile is viewed follows
  • If the user is logged in, they also see a Follow or Unfollow button they can use to follow or unfollow the viewed user respectively User card with followers, follower users and the Follow button


  • The log in, sign out and sign up pages were taken over from allauth and have only been styled to align with the rest of the site.

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Technologies Used

Languages Used

Libraries and Frameworks

Packages / Dependecies Installed

Database Management

Tools and Programs

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Testing User Stories

1. As a user I can view posts on the homepage so that I can read their content, as well as the content of any reblogs they refer to

  • The reblog functionality has been removed due to insufficient time

  • The user can view posts on the homepage

2. As a user I can create an account so that I can later log in and post

  • A sign in/sign up button is always displayed in the top right when the user is not logged in
  • The button links to a sign in form with the option to sign up if the user does not have an account yet
  • If the link to the sign up form is clicked, a sign up form is rendered
  • If the user fills it out and submits it, a new profile is created for them with the data they entered and they are automatically logged in

3. As a user I can log in to the site so that I can take actions on the site which are associated with my user profile

  • A sign in/sign up button is always displayed in the top right when the user is not logged in
  • If the user fills out the sign in form with the correct data and submit it, they are logged in

4. As a user I can create and publish a post so that it is added to the site and displayed on the home page

  • Signed-in users can create a post using the action menu in the bottom right

5. As a user I can stay on the post page after posting without reloading so that I do not need to wait for the page to re-render anytime I post

  • A post is added dynamically to a page with JS without a reload
  • If there is no post list on the page, a notification instead informs the user the post was created successfully and links to the homepage, where the post can be seen

6. As a user I can delete posts I have posted so that I can remove any content I no longer want to be up on the platform

  • A button to delete a post is shown on the post if the user is logged in and has created the post
  • Clicking on the button shows the post to be deleted in the modal and asks the user to confirm the deletion
  • If the user confirms, the post is removed

7. As a logged in user I can edit the posts I created so that I can change their content after posting

  • A button to edit a post is shown on the post if the user is logged in and has created the post
  • Clicking on the button prepopulates the form for editing and creating posts in the modal and gives the user the opportunity to edit the text of the post
  • When the user submits the form, the text of the post is updated

8. As a user I can create a collection so that I can later organise posts by common features

  • A button to add a post to a collection is shown next to every post
  • If the user clicks it, they see a list of their collections
  • At the bottom of the list is a plus button
  • If the user clicks it, they can enter the name of their new collection and create it by pressing enter

9. As a user I can add a post to the collection I created so that I can organise posts I like by theme or common features

  • A button to add a post to a collection is shown next to every post
  • If the user clicks it, they see a list of their collections
  • If they click on a collection, the collection is darkened to show it is selected
  • Once they click away, the new set of collections is sent to the server and the associated collections of the post are updated

10. As a logged-in user I can edit the name of collections I created so that I can change their designations if needed

  • A button to add a post to a collection is shown next to every post
  • If the user clicks it, they see a list of their collections
  • There is a button with a pen icon next to every collection that allows the user to edit the collection name

11. As a user I can view collections on a separate page so that I can navigate through the groupings of posts I created

  • There is a collections page, where the user can view the list of all collections

12. As a user I can view the posts that have been added to a collection so that I can navigate them by common features

  • If a user clicks on a collection in the collections list, they see all the posts included in that collection

13. As a user I can keep scrolling through posts and collections so that I do not need to switch pages when I get to the end of the loaded content

  • Post, collection and user profile pages load an initial number of posts and collections (16)
  • If the user keeps scrolling, additional posts and collections get loaded onto the page

14. As a logged-in user I can follow another user so that I can filter my post view to only the people I follow

  • The user sees a Follow button next to users on their profile page
  • Clicking the button follows the user
  • The filtering functionality has been cut due to lack of time

15. As a logged-in user I can view which other users are following me so that I can figure out who is reading what I write

  • Followers are listed on each user's profile page

16. As a logged-in user I can view all users I follow so that I can get an overview of all of my preferred posters

  • Followed users are listed on each user's profile page

17. As a logged-in user I can unfollow another user so that they are no longer included in my preferred posters

  • If a user already follows another user, they see an Unfollow button next to their username on the user profile page
  • Clicking the button unfollows the user

Code Validation


The W3C Markup Validator was used to validate the HTML code of the project in order to ensure there were no syntax errors.

There was initially an error indicating that a div element was the child of an h2 element in an impermissible fashion, resulting from the way the collection template was structured. The offending h2 has been changed to div. (See commit 270ab4b13121273ad0138073339c16e70072d62c)

The id for the main content div was unset on the user porifle page due to a templating error. This has been corrected by adding an additional block to the user.html template. (See commit 629f)

There is still a warning on the index page that the language should be set to zxx or similar due to the Lorem Ipsum content. I have elected to ignore this warning, as the content is only illustrative and any posts made by human users will be in English, as are all the links and fixed content on the page.


I used the W3C CSS Validator to validate my CSS.

No errors were found.


The autopep8 extension in VS Code was used to autoformat the code on save during development.

PEP8 online was further used to check the code. It indicated several overlong lines which were shortened in the following commits:


JSHints JavaScript Code Quality Tool was used to validate the JS code.

Several features were flagged as being support only in es9 (object spread) or es11 (optional chaining). Lines featuring these were removed and equivalent functionality achieved with more verbose code. JSHint also complained about how a ternary was formatted, so the position of the newline was adjusted. (See commit 4b74)


Lighthouse in Chrome DevTools has been used to confirm that the colors and fonts being used throughout the website are easy to read and accessible.

The only remaining Accessibility issue is the missing text in the action button. Lighthouse does not detect it, even though it is inside the span and readable to a screenreader.

See reports in the table below:

Lighthouse Reports

Page Lighthouse Report
Home Home Lighthouse Report
Collections Collections Lighthouse Report
Single Collection Single Collection Lighthouse Report
User Profile User Profile Lighthouse Report
Log Out Log Out Lighthouse Report
Log In Log In Lighthouse Report
Sign Up Sign Up Lighthouse Report
404 404 Lighthouse Report

Manual Testing

Browser Compatibility

Browser Outcome Pass/Fail
Google Chrome No appearance, responsiveness nor functionality issues. Pass
Mozilla Firefox No appearance, responsiveness nor functionality issues. Pass
Microsoft Edge No appearance, responsiveness nor functionality issues. Pass

Functionality Tests

All Pages
Test Pass/Fail
Nav displayed correctly on all breakpoints, without overflow Pass
Nav collapses to hamburger on smaller breakpoints Pass
When the hamburger is clicked, the menu is opened Pass
Clicking on Posts leads the user to the homepage Pass
Clicking on Collections leads the user to the collections list page Pass
Clicking on Theme toggles the dark theme Pass
The theme persists across a session Pass
If the user is not logged in, the Sign In button is shown Pass
Clicking on the sign in button leads the user to the sign in form Pass
If the user is logged in, the Log Out button is shown Pass
Clicking on the Log Out button leads the user to the Sign Out form Pass
The action menu is displayed when the user is logged in Pass
Hovering over the action menu displays both menu items Pass
Clicking on Create Post opens the modal with the Create Post Form Pass
Filling the modal and submitting the form creates a new post Pass
If the user is on a page with a post list, the post is added Pass
The post is not added to the post list on the user page Fail
Clicking on Go to Profile takes the user to their own profile Pass
Post Lists
Test Pass/Fail
Posts are displayed correctly Pass
On user profile pages, only the user's posts are displayed Pass
Clicking on the username leads the user to the post author's profile Pass
If the user is logged in, the option to add a post to the collection is displayed Pass
If the user clicks on this button, a list of their collections is displayed Pass
If the user clicks on a collection, it is selected Pass
If the user clicks away, the post is added and removed depending on selected options Pass
If the user clicks on the pen next to the collection, the renaming form is shown Pass
If the user enters a new name and presses enter, the collection is renames Pass
If the user clicks on the plus at the bottom of the menu, the create collection form is shown Pass
If the user enters a new name and presses enter, a new collection is created Pass
If the user creates a new collection on a page where their collection list is displayed, the collection is added to the list Fail
If the user clicks on the edit post button, the modal is shown with a prepopulated create post form Pass
If the user submits the form with new text, the post is updated Pass
If the user clicks on the delete post button, the modal is shown with the option to confirm deletion Pass
If deletion is confirmed, the post is deleted Pass
If the user scrolls past the loaded posts, new posts are loaded and displayed Pass
Collection List
Test Pass/Fail
Collections are displayed correctly Pass
Clicking on a collection leads the user to the individual collection page Pass
Clicking on the username of the collection author leads the user to their profile Pass
If the user is logged in and the author of the collection, they see the button to delete it Pass
Clicking on the delete button displays the delete form in the modal Pass
Confirming the deletion deletes the collection Pass
Scrolling past the last loaded collection dynamically loads other collections Pass
Single Collection
Test Pass/Fail
The collection title is displayed correctly Pass
The posts are correctly filtered to only those added to the collection Pass
User Profile
Test Pass/Fail
The username is displayed correctly Pass
The posts and collections are correctly filtered to only those authored by the user Pass
If the user is logged in, they see the option to follow or unfollow the user Pass
Clicking the button updates the follow state and changes the button text Pass
Followers and followed users are listed correctly Pass
Test Pass/Fail
Entering the correct username and password in signin sings the user in Pass
Entering incorrect info returns an error Pass
The link to the sign up form works Pass
Entering data into the sign up form creates a user profile and logs the user in Pass
Clicking on the sign out button logs the user our Pass

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Failed Tests and Known Bugs

  • Creating a post on a page with a post list that should not contain the logged/in user's posts still adds the post to the post list. This is due to incorrect logic in the create post functionality in main.js that I was not able to fix due to time constraints.
  • Creating a collection does not update the collection list, even if the user is on their own profile page, where both a list of their collections and a list of their posts is displayed


This project was developed using VS Code. The code was commited to Git and pushed to GitHub using the terminal.

Deploying on Heroku

To deploy this page to Heroku from its GitHub repository, the following steps were taken:

  1. Create the Heroku App:

    • Select "Create new app" in Heroku.
    • Choose a name for your app and select the location.
  2. Prepare the environment and file:

    • In the Settings tab, click on Reveal Config Vars and copy the url next to DATABASE_URL.
    • In your workspace, create an file in the main directory.
    • Add the DATABASE_URL value and your chosen SECRET_KEY value to the file.
    • Add the SECRET_KEY value to the Config Vars in Heroku.
    • Update the file to import the env file and add the SECRETKEY and DATABASE_URL file paths.
    • In add the following sections:
      • Update ALLOWED_HOSTS with ['', '']

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Finished Product

Page Desktop Mobile
Home Desktop Home Page Mobile Home Page
Collections Desktop Collections Page Mobile Collections Page
Single Collection Desktop Single Collection Page Mobile Single Collection Page
User Profile Desktop User Profile Page Mobile User Profile Page
Log Out Desktop Log Out Page Mobile Log Out Page
Log In Desktop Log In Page Mobile Log In Page
Sign Up Desktop Sign Up Page Mobile Sign Up Page
404 Desktop 404 Page Mobile 404 Page

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  • The content has been generated using Mockaroo.


  • The HTML, CSS and JS for the floating action button have been taken from Propeller.

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  • Marta, for tolerating my often changing, inconsistent and time-consuming life and career plans.

  • My family, for their useful feedback and inevitable joshing.

  • My tutor, Marcel, for his patience, notes, feedback, encouragement and clear, precise pointers on what to focus on in moments of total disorientation.

  • Code Institute for teaching me what I needed to know to make this website.

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The fourth project for the CodeInstitute course.






No releases published


No packages published


  • HTML 57.8%
  • Python 29.3%
  • JavaScript 10.1%
  • CSS 2.8%