Tools for listing and reading iOS/Mac provisioning profiles on OS X.
$ npm install moonbot/osx-provision-utils -g
To list all available iOS profiles:
$ profile-tool list
11111111-AAAA-2222-BBBB-333344445555 - 'My App Distribution'
To list all available Mac profiles:
$ profile-tool list --mac
11111111-AAAA-2222-BBBB-333344445555 - 'My App Distribution'
To see details of a profile names "My App Distribution":
$ profile-tool info "My App Distribution"
Name: My App Distribution
UUID: 11111111-AAAA-2222-BBBB-333344445555
Created On: Fri Jan 24 2014 12:01:46 GMT-0600 (CST)
To find the path of the profile:
$ profile-tool path "My App Distribution"
More command options can be seen by running the tool with no arguments:
$ profile-tool
var prov = require('osx-provision-utils');
var profile = prov.findProfileByName('My App Distribution');
This tool was developed as part of a Node based build system, so here it is.