Dotfiles for my M3 Max Macbook Pro: Running macOS Sonoma 15.2.
- Terminal : Wezterm using zsh w/ starship prompt and eza
- Window Management : yabai and JankyBorders
- Launcher: Raycast
- Bar : Sketchybar
- File Management : yazi
- Hotkeys : skhd
- Vim : neovim / lazyvim to manage plugins
- Tools : tmux, zoxide, fzf
- Browser: Zen-Browser
Before you get started make sure you give full disk access (test) permission to your terminal (for writing macos defaults). System Preferences -> Privacy -> Full Disk Access
stow --target ~/.config
# Leaving a machine
brew leaves > leaves.txt
# Fresh installation
xargs brew install < leaves.txt
- Configs for the following tools:
- Shell environment configs:
- Antigen for zsh plugin management
- contains all homebrew packages, casks, and mac appstore apps
The install script will also setup Python and Node versions/environments:
- pyenv sets the global Python version to 3.12
- Be sure to update the user name/email values in the global gitconfig
- Wezterm color scheme is Catppuccin - Machiatto
- Neovim color scheme is Catppuccin - Mocha