This game is an interpretation of hangman. The theme is Marvel superheros. There are 11 heros fighting against Thanos, the super villan that is trying to obtain all of the infiniti stones. Guess the name of the hero that will be the one to take down Thanos once and for all. Be careful, you only have 6 lives! Dont worry if you lose, you have stolen the time stone and can activate it by clicking "activate time stone"
##accomplishment## I was able to randomize the hero names and winning images by using an array of objects. Correctly displaying the number of underscores according to length of hero names.
##struggles## Selecting a random answer from the array and using that to make the game work was difficult. I had a hard time making the game mobile friendly.
##Link to Game## https://elated-wozniak-878f5f.netlify.com/
##Link to Trello## https://trello.com/b/F7QuKebu/hangman
##Wire-Frame## https://github.com/moontaekim/Hangman/blob/master/images/wire%20frame
##Tech used## HTML, CSS, javascript, jQuery, google fonts, visual studio code, Trello
##new features## include hints after certain amount of guesses or have a silhouette of the hero in the background. I want the letters selected to disappear after they have been used. I would also like to make the game respond to key presses.