CyberCrimeClassificationUsingNLP is a computer aided cyber crime classifier used for assistance in classification of cyber crimes. To use this tool just clone the repository and run the (python 3).
CyberCrimeClassificationUsingNLP offers 2 functions.
The first function allows you to see the list of cyber crimes along with their classified characteristics (NLP techniques have been used on literature documents). To see this function in action, just press 1 when the program asks for your input.
The second function allows you to import your crime cases, and the program will transform them to OWL individuals and associate them with their data properties (characteristics)(NLP techniques have been used on literature documents). To see this function in action, make sure you import your cases in the directory "./descriptions/cases", and press 2 when the program asks for your input. After the program is done executing, you can import the new generated ontology in Protege, and start the Reasoner Hermi, to classify your cases to their cyber crime category(see individuals by class inferred).
CyberCrimeClassificationUsingNLP has been created by Efstratios Lontzetidis ([email protected]) in collaboration with the research team of the Metropolitan College, Greece.
GNU General Public License v3.0.