Munzee info pages used to display the approximate address of the Munzee's coordinates below the mini map. This feature seems to have been dropped after the switchover from Google Maps to OpenStreetMap.
Munz Addr is a Firefox extension that uses the Bing Maps API to reverse-geocode a Munzee's coordinates and adds the resulting street address below the mini map, where it used to be.
Check for signed builds of the browser extension. Clicking on the link for an xpi file should bring up an installation dialog.
You'll need a Bing Maps key to use this Firefox extension. Follow the instructions in Getting a Bing Maps Key.
To add the Bing Maps key to the extension:
- Click on the Extensions icon (jigsaw puzzle piece) in the toolbar.
- Find the "Munz Addr" extension in the list and click on its gear icon.
- Click on "Manage Extension"
- Click on the "Preferences" tab.
- Add the Bing Maps key to the input box.
- Click on "Save".
If all goes well, you'll see the street address below the mini map on the info page of every Munzee. If not, check the console log in the browser developer tools for errors.