Starred repositories
django CMS blog application - Support for multilingual posts, placeholders, social network meta tags and configurable apphooks
Translates Django models using a registration approach.
🤗 The largest hub of ready-to-use datasets for ML models with fast, easy-to-use and efficient data manipulation tools
Last publicly available revision of the world's first web browser. This is a source import from 0.15 for NextStep. Originally written by @timbl.
Runtime introspection and unit testing of SwiftUI views
💀 Mac app to block your own access to distracting websites etc for a predetermined period of time. It can not be undone by the app or by a restart – you must wait for the timer to run out.
Sign In with Apple and Server-Side verification
Investment Research for Everyone, Everywhere.
my fork of MenuMeters by
📷 Instagram Bot - Tool for automated Instagram interactions
A paging view with a highly customizable menu ✨
Transportation planning and traffic simulation software for creating cities friendlier to walking, biking, and public transit
A curated collection of marketing articles & tools to grow your product.
Hummingbird compiles trained ML models into tensor computation for faster inference.
🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
Passive Investing for the Average Joe
Simple Python module for downloading fundamental financial data from
Python library to download market data via Bloomberg, Eikon, Quandl, Yahoo etc.
A curated list of insanely awesome libraries, packages and resources for Quants (Quantitative Finance)
A web scraper for ticker symbols from yahoo finance
Download market data from Yahoo! Finance's API
Stanford NLP Python library for tokenization, sentence segmentation, NER, and parsing of many human languages
A pure-python PDF library capable of splitting, merging, cropping, and transforming the pages of PDF files
Best Practices, code samples, and documentation for Computer Vision.
This is a repository for collecting global custom management extensions for the Django Framework.
Self hosted FLOSS fitness/workout, nutrition and weight tracker