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closed beta version with autoupdate added
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john-preston committed Dec 3, 2015
1 parent 2d53ab8 commit a6cf42d
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Showing 32 changed files with 648 additions and 271 deletions.
192 changes: 111 additions & 81 deletions Telegram/Build.bat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,26 +1,54 @@
@echo OFF
FOR /F "tokens=1,2* delims= " %%i in (Version) do set "%%i=%%j"

if %DevChannel% neq 0 goto preparedev

set "DevParam="
set "AppVersionStrFull=%AppVersionStr%"
goto devprepared


set "DevParam=-dev"
set ""
FOR /F "tokens=1,2* delims= " %%i in (Version) do set "%%i=%%j"

if %BetaVersion% neq 0 (
set "AppVersion=%BetaVersion%"
set "AppVersionStrFull=%AppVersionStr%_%BetaVersion%"
set "DevParam=-beta %BetaVersion%"
set "BetaKeyFile=tbeta_%AppVersion%_key"
) else (
if %DevChannel% neq 0 (
set "DevParam=-dev"
set ""
) else (
set "DevParam="
set "AppVersionStrFull=%AppVersionStr%"

echo Building version %AppVersionStrFull% for Windows..

if exist ..\Win32\Deploy\deploy\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStr%\ goto error_exist1
if exist ..\Win32\Deploy\deploy\%AppVersionStrMajor%\\ goto error_exist2
if exist ..\Win32\Deploy\tupdate%AppVersion% goto error_exist3
set "UpdateFile=tupdate%AppVersion%"
set "SetupFile=tsetup.%AppVersionStrFull%.exe"
set ""
set "HomePath=..\..\Telegram"
set "ReleasePath=..\Win32\Deploy"
set "DeployPath=%ReleasePath%\deploy\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStrFull%"
set "SignPath=..\..\TelegramPrivate\Sign.bat"

if %BetaVersion% neq 0 (
if exist %ReleasePath%\%BetaKeyFile% (
echo Beta version key file for version %AppVersion% already exists!
exit /b 1
) else (
if exist %ReleasePath%\deploy\%AppVersionStrMajor%\\ (
echo Deploy folder for version already exists!
exit /b 1
if exist %ReleasePath%\tupdate%AppVersion% (
echo Update file for version %AppVersion% already exists!
exit /b 1

if exist %ReleasePath%\deploy\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStr%\ (
echo Deploy folder for version %AppVersionStr% already exists!
exit /b 1

cd SourceFiles\
copy telegram.qrc /B+,,/Y
Expand All @@ -29,95 +57,97 @@ if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error

cd ..\
MSBuild Telegram.sln /property:Configuration=Deploy
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error0
cd Telegram\
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error

echo .
echo Version %AppVersionStrFull% build successfull! Preparing..
echo .

set "PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\7-Zip;C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 5"
cd Win32\Deploy\

call ..\..\..\TelegramPrivate\Sign.bat Telegram.exe
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error1
call %SignPath% %ReleasePath%\Telegram.exe
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error

call ..\..\..\TelegramPrivate\Sign.bat Updater.exe
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error1
call %SignPath% %ReleasePath%\Updater.exe
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error

iscc /dMyAppVersion=%AppVersionStrSmall% /dMyAppVersionZero=%AppVersionStr% /dMyAppVersionFull=%AppVersionStrFull% ..\..\Telegram\Setup.iss
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error1
if %BetaVersion% eq 0 (
cd %ReleasePath%
iscc /dMyAppVersion=%AppVersionStrSmall% /dMyAppVersionZero=%AppVersionStr% /dMyAppVersionFull=%AppVersionStrFull% %HomePath%\Setup.iss
cd %HomePath%
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error

call ..\..\..\TelegramPrivate\Sign.bat tsetup.%AppVersionStrFull%.exe
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error1
call %SignPath% %ReleasePath%\tsetup.%AppVersionStrFull%.exe
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error

cd %ReleasePath%
call Packer.exe -version %AppVersion% -path Telegram.exe -path Updater.exe %DevParam%
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error1

if not exist deploy mkdir deploy
if not exist deploy\%AppVersionStrMajor% mkdir deploy\%AppVersionStrMajor%
mkdir deploy\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStrFull%
mkdir deploy\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStrFull%\Telegram
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error1

move Telegram.exe deploy\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStrFull%\Telegram\
move Updater.exe deploy\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStrFull%\
move Telegram.pdb deploy\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStrFull%\
move Updater.pdb deploy\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStrFull%\
move tsetup.%AppVersionStrFull%.exe deploy\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStrFull%\
move tupdate%AppVersion% deploy\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStrFull%\
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error1

cd deploy\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStrFull%\
7z a -mx9 Telegram\
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error2
cd %HomePath
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error

if %BetaVersion% neq 0 (
if not exist %ReleasePath%\%BetaKeyFile% (
echo Beta version key file not found!
exit /b 1

FOR /F "tokens=1* delims= " %%i in (%ReleasePath%\%BetaKeyFile%) do set "BetaSignature=%%i"

set "UpdateFile=%UpdateFile%_%BetaSignature%"
set ""

if not exist %ReleasePath%\deploy mkdir %ReleasePath%\deploy
if not exist %ReleasePath%\deploy\%AppVersionStrMajor% mkdir %ReleasePath%\deploy\%AppVersionStrMajor%
mkdir %DeployPath%
mkdir %DeployPath%\Telegram
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error

move %ReleasePath%\Telegram.exe %DeployPath%\
move %ReleasePath%\Updater.exe %DeployPath%\
move %ReleasePath%\Telegram.pdb %DeployPath%\
move %ReleasePath%\Updater.pdb %DeployPath%\
if %BetaVersion% eq 0 move %ReleasePath%\%SetupFile% %DeployPath%\
move %ReleasePath%\%UpdateFile% %DeployPath%\
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error

cd %DeployPath%\
7z a -mx9 %PortableFile% Telegram\
cd ..\..\..\%HomePath%\
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error

echo .
echo Version %AppVersionStrFull% is ready for deploy!
echo .

if not exist tupdate%AppVersion% goto error2
if not exist goto error2
if not exist tsetup.%AppVersionStrFull%.exe goto error2
if not exist Telegram.pdb goto error2
if not exist Updater.exe goto error2
if not exist Updater.pdb goto error2
if not exist Z:\TBuild\tother\tsetup\%AppVersionStrMajor% mkdir Z:\TBuild\tother\tsetup\%AppVersionStrMajor%
if not exist Z:\TBuild\tother\tsetup\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStrFull% mkdir Z:\TBuild\tother\tsetup\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStrFull%

xcopy tupdate%AppVersion% Z:\TBuild\tother\tsetup\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStrFull%\
xcopy Z:\TBuild\tother\tsetup\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStrFull%\
xcopy tsetup.%AppVersionStrFull%.exe Z:\TBuild\tother\tsetup\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStrFull%\
xcopy Telegram.pdb Z:\TBuild\tother\tsetup\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStrFull%\
xcopy Updater.exe Z:\TBuild\tother\tsetup\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStrFull%\
xcopy Updater.pdb Z:\TBuild\tother\tsetup\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStrFull%\
set "FinalReleasePath=Z:\TBuild\tother\tsetup"
set "FinalDeployPath=%FinalReleasePath%\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStrFull%"

if not exist %DeployPath%\%UpdateFile% goto error2
if not exist %DeployPath%\%PortableFile% goto error2
if not exist %DeployPath%\%SetupFile% goto error2
if not exist %DeployPath%\Telegram.pdb goto error2
if not exist %DeployPath%\Updater.exe goto error2
if not exist %DeployPath%\Updater.pdb goto error2
if not exist %FinalReleasePath%\%AppVersionStrMajor% mkdir %FinalReleasePath%\%AppVersionStrMajor%
if not exist %FinalDeployPath% mkdir %FinalDeployPath%

xcopy %DeployPath%\%UpdateFile% %FinalDeployPath%\
xcopy %DeployPath%\%PortableFile% %FinalDeployPath%\
xcopy %DeployPath%\%SetupFile% %FinalDeployPath%\
xcopy %DeployPath%\Telegram.pdb %FinalDeployPath%\
xcopy %DeployPath%\Updater.exe %FinalDeployPath%\
xcopy %DeployPath%\Updater.pdb %FinalDeployPath%\

echo Version %AppVersionStrFull% is ready!

cd ..\..\..\..\..\Telegram\
goto eof

cd ..\..\..\
cd ..\..\
cd Telegram\
goto error

echo Deploy folder for version %AppVersionStr% already exists!
exit /b 1

echo Deploy folder for version already exists!
exit /b 1

echo Update file for version %AppVersion% already exists!
exit /b 1

echo ERROR occured!
exit /b %errorlevel%
if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel%
exit /b 1


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