This repo is an example of using Ansible to manage multiple data center domains.
There are examples for ACI, NXOS, and UCS. Each example provides a check/monitor and a create/update/remove component to the aspect of the domain that is being managed.
- Technology stack: The primary technology is Ansible, with modules that are available as part of Ansible core and modules that are open sourced.
Additionally there is python code for a simple Flask based webservice that listens for a payload from Github, that is sent on a push event.
- Status: This is Beta code that will change as additional configurations and checks are added to the repository.
Use the check.yml files in each domain to check for the specific configuration status. For example VLANs configured on UCS and NXOS and a tenant configured on ACI.
Use the site.yml files in each domain to add/update/remove the specific configurations in each domain. For example add/update/delete VLANs on UCS and NXOS and a tenant on ACI.
Enable the Flask based weblistener to process the payload from a Github push event webhook. Additionally the Flask weblistener can send the results of the push event processing to a Webex Teams room.
- Ansible is required, Version 2.7.10 was used when developing this repository
- Create a Python3 virtual environment
- Activate the virtual environment
- Pip install
- ucsmsdk to enable Ansible to interact with UCS Manager
- webexteamssdk
- Flask
- Ansible Vault is used to maintain secrets
- Knowledge of how to use Webex API is required for webhook listener
To run an ansible playbook use the following command line in the appropriate domain directory.
ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yml --vault-password-file=~/.vault_pass.txt
Because ansible-vault is used the vault password is required to run the playbook in an automated fashion.