Game Template is all necessary stuff taken care for Unity users not to worry about creating most boring and tedious work. I'd be happy for any contribution to make this template as good as it can be.
Mainly includes usedfull custom windows, extensions methods, popular assets and basic UI
Some assets was reworked, see changelog in Assets\Plugins\ These are not all changes to assets, because sometimes I forgot to update this file.
- Editor Spotlight
- Project Curator - package manager
- PlayersPrefs Editor and Utilities - package manager
- SubAsset Drag And Drop
- SubAssetEditor
- Animation Hierarchy Editor
- Presets browser - package manager
- Compilation Visualizer - package manager
- Player Loop Window
- Selection History Window- package manager
- Screen shooter - package manager
- Build Manager - package manager
- Pump Editor - package manager
- Texture Maker
- Git Package Updater - package manager
- Custom Toolbar - package manager
- Hierarchy Highlighter
- Rainbow Folders - package manager
- Empty At Zero Creator
- Hierarchy 2
- Project Window Details - package manager
- PrefabPainter2D
- Scene Asset Selector - package manager
- NewObjectBottomOfHierarchy.cs
- SceneKeeper - package manager
- graphy - package manager
- In-game Debug Console - package manager
- Unity-SlnGen - package manager
- Simple UI Elements
- UIEffect - package manager
- unity-ui-extensions - package manager
- NaughtyAttributes - package manager
- Forge Property Drawers - package manager
- One line - package manager
- Searchable Enum
- CustomInspectorCreator.cs
- ArrayPrefs2
- Player Loop Interface - package manager
- Prefab Asset Utility - package manager
- System Calc
- yaSingleton
- Rect Extensions - package manager
- Transition Manager
- UnityConstantsGenerator
- ParticleEffectForUGUI - package manager
- Unity Forge Anim Callbacks - package manager
- Auto attach component via attributes - package manager
Check out wiki for additional information