mqmtech / jsPDF
Forked from parallax/jsPDFGenerating PDF files purely in Javascript
mqmtech / jwysiwyg
Forked from cmelbye/jwysiwygWYSIWYG jQuery Plugin
A pretty nice way to expose your Symfony2 routing to client applications.
mqmtech / Symfony-CS-Fixer
Forked from PHP-CS-Fixer/PHP-CS-FixerAnalyzes the Symfony source code to fix coding standards problems
A tool to automatically fix PHP Coding Standards issues
mqmtech / SncRedisBundle
Forked from snc/SncRedisBundleA Redis bundle for Symfony2 supporting Predis and PhpRedis
A simple Symfony2 bundle to ease file uploads with ORM entities and ODM documents.
mqmtech / KnpPiwikBundle
Forked from KnpLabs/KnpPiwikBundlePiwik API client bundle for Symfony2
Doctrine2 behavioral extensions, Translatable, Sluggable, Tree-NestedSet, Timestampable, Loggable, Sortable
A Symfony2 bundle for working with the Twitter API.
Integrate the Facebook Platform into your Symfony2 application.
mqmtech / KnpMenuBundle
Forked from KnpLabs/KnpMenuBundleObject Oriented menus for your Symfony2 project.
mqmtech / AcmePizzaBundle
Forked from beberlei/AcmePizzaBundleAcme Form Experimental Bundle
mqmtech / LiipImagineBundle
Forked from liip/LiipImagineBundleSymfony2 Bundle to assist in imagine manipulation using the imagine library
mqmtech / desymfony
Forked from pgodel/desymfonyAplicación-tutorial de Symfony2 desarrollada durante el primer día de las Jornadas Symfony 2011. Un sitio web ficticio de las propias Jornadas.
mqmtech / GoogleBundle
Forked from ddeboer/GoogleBundleSymfony2 Bundle for Google Analytics (Async Integration, Multi-Tracker Support, Default and Custom Page Views, Page View Queue, Ecommerce), Google Adwords, Google Maps (Static)
Part of e-commerce project.This is the app which contains the bundles and the main configuration
mqmtech / data-fixtures
Forked from doctrine/data-fixturesDoctrine2 ORM Data Fixtures Extensions
A set of Doctrine 2 extensions
SEO friendly Symfony2 paginator to sort and paginate
A running-jumping-swordfighting game I made on the Apple II from 1985-89
Part of e-commerce project.The bundle is the central bundle of the shop project
Bundle that provides ViewModel features by appying the decorator design pattern
Part of e-commerce project.The bundle is responsible to manage users
Part of e-commerce project.This Bundle is responsible to manage the upgrades in database to in sync with the last version
Bundle that provides several tools used by many other bundles