OpenBullet is a webtesting suite that allows to perform requests towards a target webapp and offers a lot of tools to work with the results. This software can be used for scraping and parsing data, automated pentesting, unit testing through selenium and much more.
IMPORTANT! Performing (D)DoS attacks or credential stuffing on sites you do not own (or you do not have permission to test) is illegal! The developer will not be held responsible for improper use of this software.
Here you can find the complete documentation for usage, config making and the RuriLib API.
- Clone the official Extreme.Net repository.
- Compile it and obtain the Extreme.Net.dll file. You will find it inside the folder Extreme.Net/bin/Debug.
- Clone this repository and open it in Visual Studio.
- Right click on each of the 3 projects and from the menu select Add > Reference.
- Add the previously compiled Extreme.Net.dll file and click OK.
- Switch to Release mode for a much cleaner output.
- Compile the solution (Visual Studio will fetch all the missing nuget packages).
- You can find the compiled projects under OpenBullet/bin/Release and OpenBulletCLI/bin/Release.
This software is licensed under the MIT License.
If you like this software, consider making a donation to the developer. Thank you!
- BTC: 39yMkox6pP8tnSC7rZ5EM4nUUHgPbg1fKM
I want to thank all the community for their inputs that shaped OpenBullet into what it is now, and my gratitude goes towards demiurgo and meinname, who spent a lot of time helping me test and debug the Beta builds.