- Adelaide SA
ESP32_irrigation Public
Testing irrigation code for a KC868-A4 ESP32 relay board
C++ UpdatedMay 15, 2022 -
EPSHomeConfigs Public
Forked from sreknob/EPSHomeConfigsSelected ESPHome configurations
C++ UpdatedSep 19, 2021 -
homeassistant_ecowitt Public
Forked from garbled1/homeassistant_ecowittEcowitt Weather Station integration for homeassistant
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 24, 2021 -
ArduinoHondaOBD1_to_OBD2_BT Public
Forked from kerpz/ArduinoHondaOBDHonda OBD (DLC) to OBDII via Bluetooth - Compact and expanded versions.
Star-tracker Public
A bit of code to use a cheap and common 28BYJ-48 stepper and a cheap ULN2003 driver board in a star tracker for Astrophotography
Arduino UpdatedSep 23, 2017 -
Small diy project to monitor the 12V car battery voltage of a vehicle in winter storage.
EasyIoT-Cloud Public
Forked from micooke/EasyIoT-CloudEasyIoT Cloud source code examples and libraries. More at http://cloud.iot-playground.com/
C++ UpdatedSep 19, 2016 -
laptimer Public
Forked from SeniorWizard/laptimerArduino laptimer for go kart
Arduino UpdatedMay 16, 2016 -
ATTinyCore Public
Forked from SpenceKonde/ATTinyCoreArduino core for ATtiny 1634, 828, x313, x4, x41, x5, x61, x7 and x8
C UpdatedMay 6, 2016 -
WWVB-Nano-Nokia_LCD Public
Forked from micooke/WWVBArduino WWVB Transmitter for Arduino Nano with Nokia 5110 LCD
Chrony-Mate-LCD Public
Historical repo for a PIC MCU based project for a remote LCD display for a Chrony F1 ballistic chronograph
BMP085-Vario-development Public
Historical code repo for testing the BMP085 digital baro pressure sensor.
A historical repo for a project to build my own supplemental gauges and a turbo timer all in one. Completed in 1999.
Visual Basic GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedSep 22, 2015 -
WS2812B-Copter-LED-Ring Public
Multicopter navigation and fun lights controlled by RC servo PWM (a spare RC channel), using flexible WS2812B strips and an Arduino.
SiK Public
Forked from ArduPilot/SiKTools and firmware for the Si1000
C BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedAug 12, 2014 -
APM-Mavlink-to-FrSky Public
Forked from vizual54/APM-Mavlink-to-FrSkyAPM Mavlink to FrSky telemetry
C GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedJan 3, 2014