resque-scheduler Public
Forked from resque/resque-schedulerA light-weight job scheduling system built on top of Resque
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMar 6, 2023 -
Diskussed Public
Extension for Firefox that checks whether the URL you are visiting has been discussed on HackerNews
Diskussed-backend Public
Backend service for https://github.com/mrahul17/diskussed
OpenSearch Public
Forked from opensearch-project/OpenSearchOpen source distributed and RESTful search engine.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 13, 2021 -
airbyte Public
Forked from airbytehq/airbyteAirbyte is an open-source EL(T) platform that helps you replicate your data in your warehouses, lakes and databases.
helm Public
Forked from deliverybot/helmGitHub action for deploying Helm charts.
devise_token_auth Public
Forked from lynndylanhurley/devise_token_authToken based authentication for Rails JSON APIs. Designed to work with jToker and ng-token-auth.
excalidraw Public
Forked from excalidraw/excalidrawVirtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams
bower-twilio Public
Forked from thebigredgeek/bower-twilioTwilio JavaScript SDK for Bower
node Public
Forked from nodejs/nodeNode.js JavaScript runtime ✨🐢🚀✨
JavaScript Other UpdatedSep 8, 2017 -
hackerrank-atom-plugin Public
Atom plugin for submissions on Hackerrank
redlock-rb Public
Forked from leandromoreira/redlock-rbRedlock Redis-based distributed locks implementation in Ruby
Ruby BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedJul 10, 2017 -
nmatrix Public
Forked from SciRuby/nmatrixDense and sparse linear algebra library for Ruby via SciRuby
C++ Other UpdatedMar 6, 2017 -
npm-search Public
Forked from vadimdemedes/npm-searchElectron app to search npm via node-modules.com
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 23, 2016 -
terminal-wallet Public
Forked from icyflame/terminal-walletManage your wallet, from the terminal
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 11, 2016 -
questionPapers Public
Python Script to download question papers from the institute server
ShareApp Public archive
A django project to share content on multiple social media websites at once.
Python UpdatedAug 30, 2015 -
cassis Public
Forked from wkerzendorf/cassisAtomic Database for Astronomy