DOLFINX is a new version of DOLFIN. It is being actively developed and features may come and go as development proceeds.
DOLFINX is the computational environment of FEniCS and implements the FEniCS Problem Solving Environment in Python and C++.
Documentation can be viewed at:
To build and install the C++ core, in the cpp/
directory, run::
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
To install the Python interface, first install the C++ core, and then
in the python/
directory run::
pip install .
(you may need to use pip3
, depending on your system).
For detailed instructions, see the file INSTALL.
To build using Spack (assuming a bash shell):
git clone
. ./spack/share/spack/
spack env create fenicsx-env
spack env activate fenicsx-env
echo " concretization: together" >> ./spack/var/spack/environments/fenicsx-env/spack.yaml
spack add py-fenics-dolfinx ^petsc+mumps+hypre cflags="-O3" fflags="-O3"
spack install
See the Spack documentation for comprehensive instructions.
A Docker image with DOLFINX built nightly:
docker run -ti dolfinx/dolfinx
To switch between real and complex builds of DOLFINX.
source /usr/local/bin/dolfinx-complex-mode
source /usr/local/bin/dolfinx-real-mode
A Jupyter Lab environment with DOLFINX built nightly:
docker run -ti -p 8888:8888 dolfinx/lab # Access at http://localhost:8888
A development image with all of the dependencies required to build DOLFINX:
docker run -ti dolfinx/dev-env
For more information, see
DOLFIN-X is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
DOLFIN-X is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with DOLFIN-X. If not, see
For questions about using DOLFIN-X, visit the FEniCS Discourse page:
For bug reports, visit the DOLFIN-X GitHub page:
For comments and requests, send an email to the FEniCS mailing list:
For questions related to obtaining, building or installing DOLFIN-X, send an email to the FEniCS support mailing list: