- Wayland Compositor🔲 : Hyprland.
- Bar🍫 : Waybar.
- Lockscreen🔒 : Hyprlock.
- Wallpaper utility🌅 : swww with Waypaper.
- Launcher🚀 : rofi-lbonn-wayland.
- Widgets : Eww.
- Terminal💻 : kitty.
- Shell🐚 :
with Starship prompt. - Text Editor📝 : Neovim.
- Browser🌐 : Firefox.
- Audio Visualiser🎵 : cava.
- File Manager📂 : Thunar.
- Notification Daemon: dunst
Note: Currently, the colorscheme-changer changes colors for kitty, waybar, hyprlock and eww widgets.
- Arch Linux; may also work on a Arch-based distribution [not tested].
privileges.- Active internet connection.
Install an AUR Helper: An AUR helper simplifies the installation of AUR packages. (eg, yay, paru).
Make sure you have already enabled
services. -
Install the following packages with your aur helper:
jq ripgrep alsa-utils sof-firmware pipewire wireplumber pipewire-alsa pipewire-pulse brightnessctl blueman hyprland hyprlock waybar xdg-utils xdg-user-dirs rofi-lbonn-wayland-git kitty neovim wl-clipboard thunar thunar-volman tumbler gvfs thefuck grim slurp swayimg gtk3 libdbusmenu-glib libdbusmenu-gtk3 gtk-layer-shell dunst playerctl ffmpeg vlc gammastep lsd starship fastfetch cava btop swww waypaper firefox ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd ttf-victor-mono-nerd adobe-source-han-sans-jp-fonts otf-opendyslexic-nerd nwg-look gradience
- Clone the following zsh-plugins in your
directory (make one, if directory already not present):
Note: (zsh-plugin installation is optional; if you don't want them: just remove the lines that source those plugins in the ~/.zshrc)
- Clone this repo and copy everything under
(optional) directory to your .config and Picures directory:
git clone https://github/com/d-shubh./HyprNest.git
cd HyprNest
cp -r .config/* $HOME/.config/
cp -r Pictures $HOME
cp .zshrc $HOME
- Reboot your system. And... your are done ;-)
- Clone this repository change into the
git clone https://github.com/d-shubh/HyprNest.git
cd Hyprnest
- Make the Script Executable:
chmod +x install.sh
- Run the Script:
- Follow On-Screen Prompts: The script may prompt you for confirmation or input during the installation process. Read and follow the prompts carefully.
- Reboot your system after the script finishes its execution and... you are done ;-)
- Replace
(eww caused me issues in some ways it shouldn't T_T ) - same for
(so... less dependencies?)
- You might also want to configure the gtk theme using:
- Gtk theme used in the video showcase is decay-gtk.
- @vaxerski for creating Hyprland.
- r/unixporn, got inspiration from a bunch of rices posted there!!!