Cloud Rapid Experimentation and Analysis Tool (aka CBTOOL) is a framework that automates IaaS cloud benchmarking through the running of controlled experiments.
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New! CloudBench is now released as a component of SPEC Cloud IaaS 2016
Configure CBTOOL to run outside of the cloud (or with multiple tenant networks)
Look at some auto generated plots made from the data collected.
Read our latest paper IC2E 2013.
Try administrating the tool with the Graphical Environment
Then try monitoring your experiments with the Graphical Environment
Try to customize your dashboard monitoring data with filters in the Graphical Environment
You can also try to use the Graphical Wizard for a first-time connection.
Read the Frequently Asked Questions
- Automatic deployment and controlled execution of multiple multi-tier applications. Each individual application can have a specific load profile using probability distributions.
- Adapters for multiple clouds (EC2 and OpenStack, among others), with a plugin structure that allows new cloud models to be added incrementally.
- Can orchestrate different arrival rates and lifetimes for VMs using probability distributions.
- Collects application and system (OS) performance data from hosts and guests in real time.
- It is designed from the ground up to be highly scalable and parallel.
- Amazon EC2
- OpenStack (and RackSpace)
- Google Compute Engine
- DigitalOcean
- Docker/Swarm
- Kubernetes
- Libvirt+KVM or Libvirt+XEN (soon)
- VMWare vCloud
- CloudStack
- SoftLayer
To get the most current list, start CBTOOL and type typelist
on the CLI. To get more information about a given workload, typeshow <workload name>
(MYCLOUD) typelist
AIs with the following types can be attached to to this experiment (Cloud MYSIMCLOUD) :
bonnie (default, full)
btest (default)
coremark (default)
ddgen (default)
filebench (fileserver, oltp_noism, varmail, videoserver, webproxy)
fio (default)
iperf (tcp, udp)
mlg (default)
netperf (tcp_stream, tcp_maerts, udp_stream, tcp_rr, tcp_cc, tcp_crr, udp_rr)
nuttcp (tcp, udp)
postmark (default)
unixbench (arithmetic, dhrystone, whetstone, load, misc, speed, oldsystem, system, fs, shell, index)
xping (icmp)
memtier (default)
oldisim (default)
wrk (default)
hpcc (default)
linpack (default)
multichase (simple, work:N, t0-2, nta, movdqa, mvntdqa, parallel2-10, critword:N, critword2:N)
parboil (histo, bfs, stencil, mri-q, mri-gridding, lbm, tpacf, sad, spmv, sgemm, cutcp)
scimark (default)
cassandra_ycsb (workloada, workloadb, workloadc, workloadd, workloade, workloadf)
ibm_daytrader (default)
mongo_ycsb (workloada, workloadb, workloadc, workloadd, workloade, workloadf)
open_daytrader (default)
redis_ycsb (workloada, workloadb, workloadc, workloadd, workloade, workloadf)
specjbb (preset, hbir)
sysbench (simple, complex, nontrx, sp)
giraph (pagerank, topkpagerank)
hadoop (sort, wordcount, terasort, dfsioe, nutchindexing, pagerank, bayes, kmeans, hivebench)
nullworkload (default)
Marcio Silva [email protected] Michael R. Hines [email protected]