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AngularFire is an officially supported AngularJS binding for Firebase. Firebase is a full backend so you don't need servers to build your Angular app!

Please visit the Firebase + Angular Quickstart guide for more information.

We also have a tutorial, documentation and an API reference.

Join our Firebase + Angular Google Group to ask questions, provide feedback, and share apps you've built with Firebase and Angular.


Build Status Bower version Built with Grunt

If you'd like to hack on AngularFire itself, you'll need node.js and Bower.

You can also start hacking on AngularFire in a matter of seconds on Nitrous.IO

Hack firebase/angularFire on Nitrous.IO

To get your dev environment set up, run the following commands:

git clone  # clones this repository
npm install    # installs node dependencies
bower install  # installs JavaScript dependencies
grunt install  # installs selenium server for e2e tests

Use grunt to build and test the code:

# Validates source with jshint, minifies source, and then runs unit and e2e tests

# Watches for changes and runs only unit tests after each change
grunt watch

# Runs all tests
grunt test

# Minifies source
grunt build

In addition to the automated test suite, there is an additional manual test suite that ensures that the $firebaseSimpleLogin service is working properly with auth providers. These tests are run using karma with the following command:

karma start tests/manual_karma.conf.js

Note that you must click "Close this window", login to Twitter, etc. when prompted in order for these tests to complete successfully.




AngularJS bindings for Firebase.






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