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My .emacs.d based on emacs-bootstrap

Your on-the-fly Emacs development environment.

Emacs-bootstrap uses opinionated code templates which will be used to generate your emacs configurations. It enables you to select the programming languages you work with the most and will generate enough Emacs configs to get you started crunching code.


Here are some basic shortcuts that Emacs provides along with configured shortcuts by Emacs-bootstrap:

Note that C- means pressing your Control key + some other key. For example, C-x means Control + X. Same goes for M which is your Meta key. That can be the Escape key on your keyboard or the ALT key.

One of the packages installed is called 'which-key' which displays the list of available keys after a certain prefix. Try it out, press C-x and which-key will display available shortcuts that you can use to invoke a certain functionality.


Shortcut Function Provider
C-x C-f Open file Emacs
C-x C-s Save file Emacs
C-x C-r Recent files Emacs
C-x C-b Switch buffer Emacs
C-x C-k Kill buffer Emacs
C-s Search in file Emacs
M-% Find and Replace Emacs
C-x 1 Only show this buffer Emacs
C-x 2 Split horizontally Emacs
C-x 3 Split Vertically Emacs
C-x 0 Remove current split Emacs
C-g To quit a partially entered command Emacs
C-u <#> Repeat the <#> times. //C-u 10 v// Writes vvvvvvvvvv Emacs
C-x C-z eller C-z Suspend frame (send to background) Emacs
C-u M-! Kör ett shell-command och få output till där cursorn är Emacs
C-x z Repeat last command Emacs


Shortcut Function Description Provider
C-x r m bookmark-set set a bookmark at the current location (e.g. in a file)
C-x r b bookmark-jump jump to a bookmark
C-x r l bookmark-bmenu-list list your bookmarks
M-x bookmark-delete bookmark-delete delete a bookmark by name

Navigation and jumping around

Shortcut Function Description Provider / Package
M-o ace-window Ace Window välj fönster ace-window
C-space set-mark-command Mark location Emacs
C-u C-space Goto mark Emacs
M-g M-g goto-line Goto line Emacs
M-g g avy-goto-line Goto line Avy
M-g w avy-goto-word-1 Goto word beginning with... Avy
M- < beginning-of-buffer Starten av buffer Emacs
M- > end-of-buffer Slutet av buffer Emacs
C-v scroll-up-command Page down Emacs
M-v scroll-down-command Page up Emacs
C-c spc avy-goto-char Gå till bokstav... Avy
C-x spc avy-goto-char-2 Gå till 2 bokstäver... Avy
C-= Expand Region (Smart code selection) Bootstrap / Expand-region
M-x or (C-x C-m) Ivy-counsel / Helm (Completion frontend) Bootstrap / Ivy / Helm
C-x c k Emacs kill ring (Emacs clipboard) Bootstrap / Ivy / Helm
C-x v Open file in project Bootstrap / Projectile
C-x c p Search in project Bootstrap / Projectile-ag
C-x s Advanced search in file Bootstrap / Ivy-swiper / Helm-swoop
C-x Up Go to buffer above (In split) Bootstrap / Windmove
C-x Down Go to buffer below (In split) Bootstrap / Windmove
C-x Left Go to buffer on the left (In split) Bootstrap / Windmove
C-x Right Go to buffer on the right (In split) Bootstrap / Windmove
Install ag to use Projectile-ag sudo apt install silversearcher-ag


Shortcut Function Description Provider / Package
M- move-text-up Move current line/selection up move-text
M- move-text-down Move current line/selection down move-text


Shortcut Function Description Provider / Package
C-x h mark-whole-buffer Mark whole buffer Emacs
C-c C-e expand-region Expand selection. char -> word Emacs
M-j mc/mark-next-like-this Mark next like this multiple-cursors
C-c M-j mc/mark-all-like-this Mark all like this multiple-cursors

Seach and replace

Shortcut Function Description Provider / Package
M-x rgrep rgrep Recursive search
M-x query-replace-regexp query-replace-regexp Search/replace with regexp. "y" replace one, "!" replaces all, "n" skips one
M-% query-replace Seach and replace
C-x r t string-rectangle Insert a rectangle with chars
C- - undo-tree-undo Undo
C-s C-w isearch-forward Search forward with word under cursor
C-s C-s isearch-forward Repeat last search


Shortcut Function Description Provider / Package
C-x r k kill-rectangle Delete the region-rectangle
C-x r y yank-rectangle Yank the last killed rectangle


Shortcut Function Description Provider / Package
F3 kmacro-start-macro-or-insert-counter Start recording keyboard input
F4 kmacro-end-or-call-macro Stop recording / Run macro


Shortcut Function Description Provider / Package
C-h k describe-key What command does this sequence do, and tell me about it.
M-= count-words-region Count words in region
C-x = what-cursor-position Info about char under cursor
C-h a command-apropos What commands work like this...?
C-h c describe-key-briefly What command does this key sequence do?
C-h b describe-bindings What are the key bindings for this buffer?
C-h l view-lossage What are the last 100 characters typed?
C-h w where-is What is the key binding for this?
C-h f describe-function What does this function do?
C-h v describe-variable What is this variable?
C-h m describe-mode Tell me about this mode.
C-h s describe-syntax What is the syntax table for this buffer?
M-x linum-mode linum-mode Turn on/off line numbers


Shortcut Function Description Provider / Package
describe-key What command does this sequence do, and tell me about it.

Programming language specific shortcuts:

Shortcut Function Programming Language Provider / Package
C-x p e Pyenv activate in current project Python python-mode, elpy, pyenv
M-. Go to definition Python python-mode, elpy, pyenv
M-, Navigate back to previous position Python python-mode, elpy, pyenv
C-c C-r Remove unused imports Golang go-mode
C-c C-g Go to imports Golang go-mode
M-. Go to defintion Golang go-mode
C-c j r JavaScript refactor mode JavaScript js2-mode, js2-refactor
C-c C-b Send the buffer to the inferior JavaScript process JavaScript js2-mode, js-comint
C-c C-l Load a file in the javaScript interpreter JavaScript js2-mode, js-comint
C-x C-e Send previous sexp to inferior JavaScript process JavaScript js2-mode, js-comint
C-M-x Send previous sexp to inferior JavaScript process and go JavaScript js2-mode, js-comint
C-j emmet-mode expand snippet HTML web-mode, emmet-mode
C-c [ emmet-mode previous edit point HTML web-mode, emmet-mode
C-c ] emmet-mode next edit point HTML web-mode, emmet-mode
C-c o b Open the current file in the browser HTML web-mode


mr_minnings .emacs.d






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