AURALITE - Application for Unified Recognition and Array-Labeling for Interpretation with Tesseract Environment
- Please note that all these are extremely necessary for the functioning of the script, otherwise it'll not work (obviously).
Pretty standard and usual, cannot live withou this on your computer, get it here.
Since the newer versions of tesseract don't have an .exe wrapper. I used these, also thank you folks of Mannheim University - Germany.
We need it in order to use pip. A huge pain in the ass, would it be to do all that without you pip. We ❤️ you! You can get it, here.
This baby right here saves lots, and I mean it, lots of time when it comes to automation. You can get it here.
If you want some shortcuts, you may want to install Anaconda, I find it makes some stuff easier to handle. Head here.
Don't feel like clicking all them links? Shame on you!!I just happened to write a PowerShell Script for you! Before running it, crack your PowerShell (admin please) and type:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy AllSigned
This command will allow you Shell instance to run Power Shell Script files. It comes unauthorized by default.
Maybe next time, rich kid!
Sorry, I'm working on that.