- Switzerland
List of all 411430 words released by ODS8. Officiel du scrabble 2021.
MATURE: A set of Maven tools for dealing with Dockerfiles
Modular and Re-usable Docker Environments using Maven
Main repository of Strongly-Typed Javascript - Java to Javascript transpiler
Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites
Easily manage magic comments for encoding for your ruby 1.9 applications
Object-based searching (and more) for simply creating search forms. Not currently maintained.
Scalate is a Scala based template engine which supports HAML, Mustache and JSP, Erb and Velocity style syntaxes.
Rails 3 compatible generators for gems that don't have them yet
Devise << Facebook Connect. IMPORTANT: Not maintained anymore.
Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden.
A Rails form builder plugin with semantically rich and accessible markup.