A very simple Rust implementation of ray tracing renderer.
ray-rust.exe [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <width> <height>
-h, --help Prints help information
-m, --raymarch Use ray marching
-V, --version Prints version information
-w, --webserver Launch a web server that responds with rendered image, rather than producing static images.
Good for interactive session.
-d, --deserialize_file <deserialize_file>
File name for deserialized scene input. If omitted, default scene is loaded.
-g, --gloweffect <gloweffect>
Enable glow effect and set its strength when ray marching method is used
-o, --output <output> Output file name [default: foo.png]
-p, --port_no <port_no> Port number, if use web server [default: 3000]
-s, --serialize_file <serialize_file> File name for serialized scene output. If omitted, scene is not output.
-t, --threads <threads> thread count [default: 8]
<width> Width of the image [px]
<height> Height of the image [px]
Web server is now feature gated, so you need to enable when you build the application, e.g.
cargo b --features webserver