A tiny base project for a REST API with NodeJS. This is the version 2 of the recruitment test for W'Inn SAS.
You just got a simple REST API in NodeJS with Express.
- Organize/Refactor the code correctly ... make it the proper way
- Create a simple one page frontend to show transports on a map (OpenStreetMap or Google Maps, give the keys)
We start the server with following command : npm start, do not forget tests (Mocha) and documentation (JsDoc) !
Do the first list of tasks. And, depending on the position you are applying to, do some extra tasks ...
- Create "Insert" and "Delete" routes for the transport object ;
- Make a minimal frontend with Angular 1 or 2 for add, remove, see transports ;
- Use Object Oriented Programming and return all transports with address corresponding to the departure and end points using online maps services ;
- With ES6 notation, create an object "Transport" and all getters and setters ;
- Load JSON file from object, read transport list from Transport object ;
- Create a complete frontend with design, AngularJS 1 or 2 :
- All responsive ;
- List all the available transports ;
- The user can select which trip he wants to show on the map ;
- Make it nice to look at and easy to use ;
- Test the frontend ;
- Write a restful API to manage transports ;
- Create SQL database (Postgresql) to store transports ;
- Scrap "http://www.reseau-stas.fr/fr/actus-et-infos-reseau/3" and get all news into a JSON array ;
- Use a Postgresql database for transports ;
- Use Docker image ;
- Create a scalable image with Docker Compose and replication of database ;
- Scrap informations from the web ;
- Show a statistic about the places the transports deal with ;
- Explain what informations you could get and what informations you could deduce from data analyse ;
- Respect your speciality priorities ;
- It must work, easy to launch ;
- Code quality ;
- Tested and Documented ...
To apply :
- Do what you can
- Tell us : what you like, what you dislike about this test and computer sciences
- Tell us how long did it take to code this
- What salary would you like for a position in Caen, Normandy
Do not write a presentation letter, answer shortly ;)
Send us the url of your fork to : [email protected] If your code is good enough, we'll meet in our offices !