A local community free sharing app! List and request items to lend and borrow the things you need from your local area.
Developed a full-stack web application which provides a system for community members to lend and borrow items in a safe and efficient manner. The app implements the following features:
- Creating users
- Authenticating users
- Uploading user picture
- Creating items (lending)
- Listing/Unlisting items
- Uploading item pictures
- Editing items
- Searching for items
- Requesting items (borrowing)
- Approving borrow requests
- Returning items
- Confirming returns
- Signing Out
- Displaying alerts to confirm user actions
- Request-Approve-Return-Confirm Cycle Video Demo (click to link to video)
- Add Item Video Demo (click to link to video)
- Main Feed Image
- Request Item Image
- Manage Incoming Requests Image
- Manage Outgoing Requests Image
Directed http requests from a front-end react app to a back-end RESTful API built on Express.js. The server retrieved/stored information in a MongoDB database, and sent back responses which were used by the hooks-based react application.
Used state and effect hooks to control the flow of information between components, and to conditionally render components for minimal reloading and enhanced user experience.
MONGO DB (Database)
Download mongodb/brew: brew tap mongodb/brew
Install mongodb: brew install [email protected]
Keep mongodb running in the background: brew services start [email protected]
Any issues? See documentation: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-os-x/
NPM Install (bundle in client) cd client > npm install
NPM Install (bundle in server) cd server > npm install
Install nodemon globally (type command from anywhere) npm install --global nodemon
Run server (starts express) cd server > nodemon index.js
Run client (starts react) cd client > npm start
- Database diagramming (miro) - outlining initial database schemas
- Website mockups (diagrams.net) - outlining the general look of our app
- Trello - organizing, prioritizing and allocating tasks
- Daily stand-ups 10am, and retros 5pm (slack)
- Pair Programming - knowledge sharing, support
- Solo programming - deep learning, tackling multiple tasks in a short time
- MERN Stack
- React - front-end framework
- React-router-dom - react app navigation
- React-calendar - pre-built calendar component
- Fomantic UI - CSS library
- Semantic UI React - Custom-Styled React Component Library
- Axios - HTTP request library
- Express.js - light-weight, unopinionated web framework
- multer - multipart/form-data (i.e. file upload) decryptor
- cloudinary - image storage
- MongoDB - document-oriented NoSQL database
- Mongo Atlas - hosted mongoDB production database
- Mongoose - ODM for MongoDB
- Passport - password hashing and comparision with user input
- Passport JWT - issuance of JSON WEB TOKENS (based on public-key cryptography) used for user authorization purposes
- Jest - JavaScript testing framework
- React Testing Library - React component testing library
- Mock Service Worker - API mocking library
Learning a new tech stack
- Taking time for solo learning and sharing good sources of information with the team
- Sharing information/pair programming with teammates who may have had previous experience with a certain technology
- Learn by doing - start coding by using what you know and then do more research/study when running into obstacles
Changing from Django + React to MERN on Day-4
- Recreating all API endpoints on express server and have them deal with axios requests appropriately
- Cutting some of the 'extras' tickets due to the reduction in time
- Using more npm packages (e.g. multer, morgan, cors) to compensate for the loss of several built-in (plug-and-play) features of Django
Difficulty issuing JSON WEB TOKENS using passport JWT
- Studying several hours of video and written information to understand the core principles public-key cryptography, which in turn made it easier to implement the tools which automated some of these processes.
- Understanding that even official documentation is incomplete/inaccurate sometimes; working as a team to pool multiple resources from across the web to get a complete understanding of the technology
- Console logging every step to find where/why the request is not being translated into the issuance of a JWT
Accessing nested documents within the Mongo database
- Focusing on using Mongoose syntax (instead of Mongo syntax) to take advantage of quick and simplified ways of retrieving nested data
Unexpected and mysterious behaviours with React (e.g. updating item image leading to the update of profile picture..???)
- Understanding that even though JSX feels very 'low-level' and 'manual', there is a lot of automation happening beneath the hood as it compiles down to regular html and javaScript
- Keeping code modular, sticking to SRP, and being mindful that seemingly separate process could be unexpectedly connected through props or shared component, helped to reduce some unexpected behaviours
Using redux for state management allowing React to only be responsible for component rendering
End-to-End testing using cypress library
Implement additional features:
- Adding a chat feature so users can communicate (e.g. set up a meeting spot in-app)
- Adding a help/support section to help users with issues like disputes
- Adding geolocation-based cluster map feature so users can find items by their geographical coordinates
- Adding a badge system, so users are allocated badges based on good lending and borrowing behaviour
- Adding a rating system for borrowers, so lenders can share their items with confidence